Valentines day

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"You can be my valentine if you want George." Dream said, hoping, wishing for an answer he knew he wouldn't get. George wouldn't agree, not like this, not on stream, in front of thousands, Quackity in the call with them. 

"No, I don't think so." Was all George said, a small giggle at the end. 

Dream didn't say anything, they heard class shattering, bottles flying on the floor and on his table. George continued to giggle at the other's over exaggeration. 

"What the hell-?" Quackity asked. "What the hell happened?" George was still laughing, the stream watching contently and enjoying the show. 

"Omg.." George said, beginning to laugh again. 

"Fuck.." Dream whispered, he went to mute his end, the two in the call didn't notice and the stream definitely didn't think anything of it. "SAPNAP!" Dream called, he remember the door opening, both looking at his bloody arm, before he passed out. 

"Dream?! What the hell happened?" Sapnap looked around at all the shattered class, he heard laughter on the other end. George and Quackity laughing. He decided not to alert the stream, instead he called 911 after leaving the discord call. "Yeah, hi. My friend passed out, he cut himself pretty badly and it's still bleeding..." Sapnap explained what he saw and the operator send an ambulance to him, while Sapnap tried to stop the bleeding and get Dream back to consciousness. 

When Dream was in the ambulance Sapnap texted their discord group, telling them Dream had passed out from the blood loss and was on his way to hospital. George ended stream and called him, as Sapnap drove after the ambulance. 

"I don't know what happened. One moment I heard laughter from his room, the next he was yelling my name and I found him passed out with class shattered all around him." Sapnap was panicking, although the ambulance people told him it was gonna be okay. 

"Well we were joking around and heard glass clinging and that was it." George was a bit panicky too. 

"Gosh dammit. Why does he have to do that stuff?!" Dream had always been a tad irresponsible. Not in the sense that he didn't pay his taxes or anything. He just thought he was some sort of god and couldn't get hurt, yet here they were. 

"It's my fault. I'm flying over." George started, he searched up planes to Orlando, Florida. "He asked me to be his valentine and I said no. The least I can do now is be his valentine if that's what caused this. I mean, I know he's joking, but he's my best friend and I have to make sure he's alright." 

Sapnap tried to talk George out of it, saying stuff like "He'll be fine." "Don't worry about it." and "I'm sure he's gonna wake up and be out again tomorrow." 

But George wouldn't take no for an answer, he hadn't asked for Sapnap's opinion and he wasn't gonna use it for anything. 

When Sapnap got to the hospital, he asked where Dream was and was told to go to the emergency area. He sat outside and waited for a bit, before being allowed in. 

"Dream! For fucks sake!" He saw Dream awake in a hospital bed. "What did you do?" 

"I'm fine. Just a few cuts." Dream's arm had bandages wrapped around it, all the way from his hand to the middle of his forearm. "I just pass out at the sight of blood and the cuts were kinda bloody." Dream tried to laugh it off as nothing. 

"George is flying in." Sapnap stated. They had been talking about George moving in and he had got his green card, but they hadn't actually agreed on anything. 

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