Sick day

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Very short story considering what I'm used to. I just really wanted to publish something again, so here we are. 

Dream woke up freezing the morning after moving in with George. His boyfriend, who he loved more than anything else in life, was still asleep in Dream's arms. Dream turned his head, to look at his alarm clock. 6:30 am. Great, only 3 hours of sleep. Dream knew he wasn't going to fall asleep again, not with a stuffy nose and squirming George in his arms. Dream slowly rolled out of bed, careful not to wake George up. He eventually got out and sat up on the edge of their bed.

Dream decided on taking a shower, to get the heat back in his body and hopefully get rid of his stuffy nose. He went over to his boyfriend's side of the bed and placed a kiss on his forehead, which George seemed to lean into, even though he was asleep. Dream smiled to himself as he left the room, only to walk into the bathroom.

Dream was happy to finally be with George, the love of his life, to wake up next to him. After the 2 years of a long-distance relationship, they finally moved in together.

After Dream's shower he walked back into the bedroom, to get some clothes. When he walked in he saw that George was awake. Dream had only a towel around his hips, he walked over to George and kissed him on his nose.

"Good morning" Dream hummed. George looked up at his boyfriend weird.

"Good morning.." He said, sounding sad and worried. "Why didn't I get a real kiss?" He asked, making puppy eyes at the taller man.

"I think I have a cold.." Dream stated, still looking at his boyfriend. George sat himself up in their bed, he grabbed Dream's face and pulled it close to his own.

"That is not going to stop me." George leaned forward and closed the gap between their lips. The kiss was held for a bit, just a sloppy but sweet morning kiss as both boys started to wake up. George put his forehead on Dream's and was surprised by his temperature. He replaced his forehead with his hand. "You are really hot.." He said concerned.

"I know I am" Dream said with a smirk and wink. George looked displeased at Dream. "I am just not used to the English winters." Dream said walking towards the closet to pick some clothes out. He grabbed a pair of ripped black jeans, a white t-shirt and a green hoodie.

"Baby.." Dream heard George's voice from their bed and looked back at him. "Put some underwear and that hoodie on and then come back in bed." Dream turned his head back around and started blushing, biting his lip at his boyfriend's words.

"Okay.." He said quiet, looking down at the ground.

Dream took some underwear and his hoodie. He untied his towel and let it fall to the ground, replacing it with his underwear.

"Aww.. I don't get to see?" George sounded hurt, but started giggling. Dream turned around and quickly pulled on his hoodie, he walked over to his side of the bed again and got in.

"I'm sorry. I know we had stuff planned.." Dream said quiet, feeling guilty that he got a cold.

"It's not your fault Baby.." George said, looking at his boyfriend. "Do you want anything? Some food? A cup of water?" George started to get out of bed, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"Some water please, I'm not really that hungry." Dream said, looking up at his boyfriend, while getting comfy again under the covers.

"Okay. I'm gonna feed the cats and dog." George smiled, walking towards the door in only the joggers he slept in.

"George!.." Dream said, signaling for George to come back. George walked back, not sure if he should be worried or not. "I love you." Dream said, leaning up to kiss George on the cheek.

"I love you too. I will be right back." George answered. He turned around and walked out of the room, taking one last look at Dream, before disappearing around the corner. 

Dream got comfy under the duvet, pulling it all the way over his body, only leaving his head sticking out. 

George poured some water in the kettle and turned it on. While waiting for the water he let dog out in their back garden, and poured some food in the pets's bowls. He poured a cup of water and got two mugs for their tea, placing the tea bags in them. He let dog in again and the kettle made a sound, indicating the water was ready. He poured it in the mugs and added a bit of sugar. 

George walked up again with Clay's tea and water and went down again to grab his own tea. George got in the bed again, sitting under the duvet. Clay had sat himself up while George had gone down again. While waiting for their tea to cool, George cuddled into Clay's side, placing his hand on Clay's chest and burying his face in Clay's chest next to his own hand.  

"I'm sorry George.." Clay said, playing with George's hair. 

"Don't be.. It's not your fault. Plus, it gives us more time to just cuddle!" George said excited. 

"Touché" Clay wrapped his arm around George, so it rested on his hip, pulling the smaller man a bit closer. 

The next chapter will probably be the omega verse story. I hope you all enjoy this and the next one. 

- Love ❤️

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