Insecure in a skirt (smut)

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Tw: Body insecurity.

(Dream and George as switches I guess?)

George really loved wearing skirts. After losing a bet to Dream, he kept walking around in them on inside days if he had nothing to do. He still hadn't gone out after that one time, but he was okay walking around at home, in front of his boyfriend.

George looked at Dream, who sat at the dinning table, a plate filled with breakfast in front of him. Dream had his elbow placed on the table, with his head in his hand, looking at a now blushing George.

"You are so dramatic." George teased, after hearing a loud sigh from Dream. The smaller hiding his face in his hands as he was giggling slightly.

"I'm really not~" Dream didn't look away, which made George blush even more.

"I should buy you one too so you could see how comfy they are." Dream snapped out of his trance and looked away from George. "Ohh~ You don't wanna wear a skirt?~" George teased.

"Shut up." Dream's face was now redder than George's, switching the roles.

"I'm buying you one, so we can match." George blew a kiss to Dream, who began eating, acting like he didn't hear George.

"Ohh Dreamie~" George walked in after just signing for his package, that held two new skirts, one for Dream and one for himself.

"Ohh Georgie~" Dream walked over to their dinning table, where George opened the package.

"Look!" George held a blue skirt up to himself, showing it off to Dream. He then took another skirt up, this one was black and a bit bigger than George's.

"I don't wanna~" Dream jokingly complained.

"Well, then I won't ever wear one in front of you again." George stated.

"Fine. Give." Dream took the skirt, walking into their bedroom to change, while George changed in the living room.

"I actually really like this one!" George exclaimed, spinning around.

"I don't want to show mine." Dream felt a bit insecure about showing it to George. Of course the two had had sex, but his legs looked weird in this skirt, where as George just looked stunning, like always.

"Baby?" George walked up the bedroom door, knocking slightly on it. "Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Nono, I like the skirt. It feels nice, but I just don't want anyone to see.." Dream spoke quiet, still looking at himself in the mirror.

"It's just me, I promise I won't tell anyone, I won't take pictures. It'll just be you and me." Dream opened the door, seeing George's face light up. "You look.. so.. wow!"

"I don't look wow.." Dream rolled his eyes playfully, turning his head away.

"You look wow." George stated, grabbing Dream's face to get him to look back at George. "Why didn't you wanna show me?"

"It's just.. You look so good, your thighs are a good size, your butt looks amazing. You just look perfect, like all the time, but especially in a skirt, showing off your body." You could tell Dream meant what he said, speaking about George gave him a glow in his eyes.

"My god.. Yeah, your thighs are bigger than mine. So what? You still look wonderful. Hun I would kill to have a body like yours." George lifted Dream's shirt up slightly, revealing his stomach. "I mean look at that." George ran his fingers over Dream's stomach. Sure, Dream didn't have abs, but George still loved his boyfriend's body.

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