When your ex gives you a boyfriend

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They all live near each other, met in high school and are now out of college. Openly bi Dream and George being confused as heck. 

Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Wilbur, Techno and Niki all decided to go out. For no other reason than why the fuck not? 

They decided on a bar, not far from George's house and after they would all sleep over at his place. The bar wasn't anything special, just a bar with people. 

"It's nice to finally all be together again." Dream smiled, dancing with the rest of them. 

Dream and George weren't drinking. Dream was driving them home to George's house and George really didn't feel like having all his drunk friends over while he himself was drunk. Wilbur, Techno and Niki were all on the tipsy stage, still very able to stand and talk normally, while Sapnap, Karl and Quackity were drunk. Like full on won't remember anything tomorrow. 

"Fuck.." George whispered under his breath, when he saw her. 

"What?" Dream asked, right by George's side, while the rest were out having fun. 

"I'm gonna kiss you." George stated, neither whispering or speaking loud, just loud enough for Dream to hear. 


Dream was cut off by George's lips on his own, Dream melting into the kiss and closing his eyes when he felt George's hands on his cheeks. Dream placed his own hands on the other's hips, pulling his body a bit closer, as George's hands made their way behind the taller's neck. Both pushing their lips together, before Dream let his tongue out of his mouth, asking for permission. George pulled away, looking at Dream. 

"Sorry.. An ex of mine just walked in and I told her I had a boyfriend." George whispered, Dream immediately regretting trying to go further. 

George looked around before, pulling himself away from Dream, going to hang out with Techno, Quackity and Niki. George tried to hide the expression on his face as he spoke with them. 

Dream let out a sigh, before going to Sapnap, Karl and Wilbur. Trying to talk to Wilbur while Sapnap and Karl danced. 

Neither Dream or George began drinking after incident, although both of them wanted to, because holy hell was the tension bad in the car. 

"I'm just AskING!" Sapnap slurred. "If Karl and I were both hanging off a cliff and you could only safe one. Who would it be?" Sapnap looked to Quackity. 

"I would throw my self off so we could all die together." Quakckity stated, also clearly very drunk. 

"Awww~" Niki, Karl and Sapnap all said at once. Karl and Sapnap hugging the other around his waist. 

"That's dumb.." Techno said under his breath, making Wilbur chuckle. "I would go back to potato farming not worrying about you guys at all." 

"WE DIDN'T ASK YOU!" Sapnap yelled, playfully mad at the other. 

"You know I would platonically jump off a cliff for you?" Wilbur asked, directed at Techno. Niki began laughing as Techno became speechless. 

"That's also very stupid.." Techno whispered. 

"You know, I could drive this car off a cliff if you all want." Dream stated, rolling his eyes. Everyone went quiet, waiting for George to make a come back, which he didn't. 

"Why soooo mopeeeyyy?" Sapnap asked, him being drunk didn't really help the whole 'read the room' thing. The rest of the ride was quiet, no one really knowing what to say. 

"Wilbur and Niki, can you make sure the others are good." Dream yelled, tossing George's keys towards Wilbur, making George complain. "I need to talk to you." Dream turned, looking at George. 

"What?.." George felt really uncomfortable as he leaned on the car, looking down to the ground. 

"I just- what was that? Like I know you kissed me cause of your ex, but why did you do it like that?" Dream asked, standing with a lot of space between their bodies. 

"I just wanted it to look real.." George began fiddling with his hands, feeling a bit of sweat on his palms. "I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear.." 

"Ohh.. I'm sorry I ju-" Dream started, but was cut off by George's lips for the second time that night. Dream pushed George back, not wanting to get hurt by him again. "WHAT THE HELL?" Dream yelled, taking a few steps back from the other. 

"I-I.." George stuttered, of course he liked Dream, but he wasn't gay or bi.. George just couldn't be. Not that there is anything wrong with it, he just wasn't gay. "So we all know you are bi, and that's great. It's amazing that you could tell us and I'm so proud of you for it, but I guess something about it has always weirded me out.. Like if you talked about a girl you found cute or a boy who gave you his number." 

"But you are okay when any of the others talk about that stuff.." Dream spoke, not completely following. 

"I guess I'm trying to say that.. I'm jealous.." George looked up in Dream's eyes again. 

"Jealous of me knowing my sexuality or jealous of them?." Dream didn't wanna get the wrong impression and ruin a friendship because of it. 

"Maybe both.." George took a small step closer, Dream doing the same, smiling at George, who smiled back. 

"I wanna get this right. So you want me to kiss you then?" Dream reached out for George's cheek, placing his hand there when George didn't pull away. 

"Yeah.." Their bodies were now pressed slightly against each other, George placing one hand on Dream's jaw and the other on his chest. 

George pulled Dream in the rest of the way, both closing their eyes and smiling in the kiss. It didn't feel rushed like last time, the only thing the two were caring about was each other. Before they heard cheering from George's house, making them both push the other away in horror. 

"Ohh Karl! Kiss me!" Sapnap teased, pulling Karl in by his collar and fake making out, not touching their lips together. 

"FUCK OFF!" Dream yelled, everyone knowing he wasn't that mad about it, but it for sure made things a bit awkward. Techno closed the windows, before closing the curtains. 

"So..?" George asked, feeling a bit embarrassed about his friends seeing. 

"So, I like you.." Dream stated, walking closer to George again. 

"I think I like you too.." George placed his hands the same places they were before. 

"So, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Dream asked, putting his hands around George's waist. 

"Only if you wanna be mine..?" George asked. 

"Of course I do. I wouldn't ask if I didn't." Dream answered, pulling George in for another kiss. 

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