Online dating (smut)

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Video call, switch Dream (kinda bottom for this story)

"I miss you so much baby~" Dream coed, he and George finally had some time just the two of them. Although it was over discord, it was better than not being able to talk. Patches came into Dream's room, eyes wide. "No, not you baby.." Dream chuckled slightly at his cat, before picking her up.

"Aww~ PATCHES!" George said. "And I guess I miss you too~" He added, teasingly.

"Rude.!" Dream rolled his eyes, George seeing Patches try to lick Dream's face. "Eww! Your breath stinks!" Dream put Patches down, the cat walking out if his room.

George started laughing.

"We should totally have another date soon.. I miss just being the two of us." George suggested.

"Yeah! I would love that." Dream answered, excitedly.

George shifted slightly in his chair, putting his foot to his crotch and moving it slightly, cause holy hell he had missed his boyfriend and holy hell he looked.. holy hell. Calling him gorgeous or hot would be an understatement.

"We really need lockdown to stop so you can get over here with Sap and I." Dream and Sapnap had moved in together, after both of them needed someone during covid.

"What I wouldn't give to be there~" George said, almost moaning part of it.

"Mhm~" Dream moaned back, making George sit up straight, almost feeling guilty about what he was doing. George's face got a bright red color as he put his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even real-" George began apologizing.

"George please~" Dream whisper moaned. George's face getting even redder. "I want you just as much~" Dream added.

"I- Are you sure?"

"Please~? We can just scoot our chairs back a bit?" Dream begged.

"Oh Okay.." George was still a bit scared about one of them getting caught. "I'm gonna lock my door." George got up, locking the door. "D-Do you want to just.. like without toys?" George questioned, both of them were switches, resulting in them just needing something inside them at times.

"I need something~" Dream got up, locking his door and grabbing his anal vibrator and lube on the way back.

"Get your legs up then~ Pretty boy~" George whispered. Both began undoing their pants and removing them with their boxers, George letting them stay at his ankles while Dream removed them completely and put his feet on his desk, angling his camera to get everything.

Dream lubed two of his fingers up first, slowly easing one in and letting out a quiet moan. George put a bit of lube in his hand and started stroking himself, as Dream added a second finger.

"Oh~ Fuck~!" Dream moaned, louder than before, quickly covering his mouth with his hand and looking terrified as he stopped all movements.

"You need to be quiet~.. Slut~" George said, Dream whimpered in response, beginning to move his finger again.

George stroked himself at the same time, matching Dream's, painfully slow, pace, both moaning quietly.

"Fuck you look cute~" George moaned, Dream letting out a moan in response. Dream removed his fingers, quickly lubing up the vibrator and pushing it in.

"So full already~" Dream's eyes flickered, his face turning red as he realized what he said.

"God I wish I was there to help you~" George whispered, moving his hand faster, Dream turned the vibrator on, starting at 3.

"M-me too~" Dream moved his hips to get more pleasure out of it, as his hands gripped the armrests on his chair.

"Turn the vibrator to 5." George commanded, Dream doing as he was told and stroking himself, matching George's fast pace.

"Wa-!" Dream cut himself off, realizing how loud he was being. "Want more~" He whispered instead, grabbing the remote. George nodded, making Dream turn it up to 7.

"Slut~" George whispered, his tongue clicking the t.

"Hmm!~" Dream moaned loudly, not regretting it. "Need you~"

"Turn it to 10. I'm close!~" George began stroking faster, pushing an un-lubed finger inside himself and moving it.

"Fuck it feels good~" Dream's eyes were blank from the pleasure he was feeling, almost tears running down his cheeks. "I'm gonna come! George let me come!~"

"Go on baby~" George whispered, thrusting his hips to get more friction, while still fingering himself.

At that Dream came, screaming the brunette's name, turning the vibrator off, quickly realizing that Sapnap had to have heard, unless he was asleep. George came, seeing how flustered and embarrassed the other got.

"Good luck explaining that." George teased, Dream on the verge of a breakdown.

"GEORGE!" Dream yelled. "That was you fault! Horny bastard!" Dream covered his face in his hands, his body still on display for the other to drool over.

"Hey! You were the one proposing this." George explained in selfdefense.

"Meh meh meh meh!" Dream hung up, George knowing he wasn't actually mad, just a bit weirded out about Sapnap possibly hearing.

Bonus: Sippycup

"Eww!" Sapnap whispered in the call he was in with Karl and Quackity. "I can hear Dream-" Sapnap mad a gagging sound.

"No way!" Quackity exclaimed. "Is he-.. like with George?" Sapnap nodded, his expression one of misery.

"I'm gonna blast some music! I can't listen to that!" Sapnap opened his Spotify and found a playlist with louder music and turned his volume all the way up, almost going deaf from it. "Eurgh! Just the thought.."

"Aww~ Sippycup is getting traumatized~" Karl teased, Quackity laughing.

"Did you just say aww to someone getting traumatized? Psyco.." Sapnap questioned.

"Nono. To be fair he said aww to you getting traumatized." Quackity stated.

"I hate you two!" Sapnap left the call and listened to the music, tryin to wipe his mind, although it was hard (NO. Not like that!).

After about 10 minutes Sapnap removed his headphones, not hearing anything. He let out a sigh of relief as he walked into the kitchen to get lunch.

Dream came into the room 20 minutes after, just out of his shower.

"So..." Sapnap started, he honestly didn't know how to start that conversation. Dream seemed to know what it was about.

"I can't say anything to make you ever forget that." Dream said, looking down in embarrassment and shame.

"Nope.." Sapnap said, popping the p. "Look, I understand. You and George haven't seen each other for like 4 months and you two just need each other, but next time please just warn me, so I can at least be out of the house." Sapnap offered. Dream nodded.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that.."

"Was it at least good? It sounded good." Sapnap laughed, trying to make a joke out of it.

"It was." Dream laughed as well. 

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