Clays 21st pt. 1 What did I just do?

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They are living in a world with no Covid-19. I also know that Dream's birthday is quite some time ago, but I am writing this now. I weren't really into writing back in august.

There is smutish thingy in this story. There is a ⚠️ emoji, when it happens and one again when it ends. You will know when it starts and ends.

Dream POV

I know it sounds weird, but for some reason I decided to invite my crush to my 21st birthday. Something else that might be weird, he has never met my friends before, hell I haven't even seen him in real life yet. He is also my best friend. George. Everything is perfect about him. His name, perfect. His wonderfull hazel eyes, perfect. The way his dimples form when he smiles, perfect. The way his face lights up when he talks about something that he loves, perfect. Every inch of him is perfect.

George had just finished a stream and we were in a call, just talking.

"So, i was wondering if you wanted to come to my birthday the 12th of august?" I asked, giving him a 2 weeks warning. "I mean, it's okay if you can't. I just... I dunno, it is stupid." The last part said, almost in a whisper.

"Do you want me to?" He sounded unsure.

"George! Don't ever question me wanting to see you, ever again! Obviously I want you there." I said, kinda harsh, but he can't just doubt himself like that.

"Okay. Who else is coming though? Like is it our friends from Florida or people like Sap and Bad?" He asked.

"Well... I did invite them, but I know I will drink, so Bad was out. Sapnap had other plans, so it will be you and some of my friends from high school and college." I said, knowing he probably didn't want to anymore. "I get it you don't want to. I mean yo-"

"Clay! Shut up! You finally want to see me, and you can't take it back now." He said cutting me off, probably for the best.

"Okay, I am on the website for buying plane tickets. Would you like to arrive the 10th or the 11th?" I asked. "That was a stupid question the 10th is probably better, so you can get some sleep after your flight." I let out, in one breath.

"I was just going to say that." George said excited. "Do you have any birthday wishes?"

"You being there is more that enough." I said. "But for real, no real wishes." I added, knowing the first answer wasn't enough.

"You really are one of those people..." He said, slightly frustrated over me not wanting anything.

I tried to go to sleep early that night, early meaning 12 am. I realized it was only 7 pm for George, and decided to call him. He answered, luckily. Now, what was I going to say.

"Hey! Sorry for calling, I couldn't fall asleep, and I think Sap is sleeping." I said, as he picked up.

"No worries. You better be thankful I don't have anything better to do." He answered, clearly not mad about me calling.

"Actually while I have you here. Do you wanna stay at my house or should I get a hotel room? If I get too drunk I probably need someone here." I added that last part, only to try and get him to say he would stay at mine.

"Sure, I can stay with you. Just don't trow up on me!"

"I can't promise anything! But no takesie backsies!" We laughed for a bit.

The last thing I remember was me talking about my friends and George trying to match their hobbies with their names, but failing miserably.

I woke up at 5 am, with my phone next to my face, with George on the other side of the call. I have no idea who fell asleep first. I could hear him breathing on the other side, not snoring, just breathing loud enough for his phone to pick it up.

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