College party

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Both Boys are in college, they are the same age, but doesn't have any classes together. 

George woke up Friday at 10:30 am, he only had one class and then it was weekend. Not that he really cared that much for Fridays, the only reason would be that people genuinely are nicer and that he wouldn't have to deal with his class mates during the weekend. George never went out, other that the few times a year where he went home, only to spend the time in his room, either doing homework or coding. 

George sat himself up in the empty room, his roommates, Nick and Callahan both had classes early on Friday. Gosh George was happy he took that extra elective last year and didn't save it for his senior year. He reached over to turn his alarm off, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

George went into the bathroom, locking the door in case one of them would return while being in there. He stripped out of his hoodie and the joggers he had been sleeping in, before getting rid of his boxers as well. George waited for the water to heat, impatiently. He closed the curtains and stepped under the running water, it was still a bit too cold, but it would change quickly. George squeezed the last drop of shampoo in his hand, soon massaging it into his scalp, relaxing, as it would probably be the only time today he could do so. He cleaned the shampoo out, putting on a body soap instead, before washing it off.

George was teased a lot, by his roommates for using two different shower products, being called girly or gay. He didn't mind, it was just common hygiene for George, who found it weird that the two of them only used 2-in-1 soap. To George that was like brushing your teeth with water only. Speaking of brushing teeth, after his shower he wrapped a towel around his waist, to stand in front of the, now foggy mirror, as he started brushing his teeth, wiping some of the fog away and opening a window, letting time take the rest. 

George picked his phone up, looking at the time, as he entered the living space again. 11:26, he had class at 12 and decided on going to the cafeteria to meet his friends there for lunch. George quickly combed through his hair, before putting on a hoodie, putting his key and phone in his pockets and grabbing his book and a pencil. George stepped outside and locked the door, only to enter the building across campus. He saw Nick, Callahan and Alyssa sitting at the table they usually sat at. 

"Hello, hello!" George said, his thick British accent shining through. 

"Good morning." Nick said, smiling as his best friend sat down beside him. "Callahan has something he would like to say!" Nick quickly got out, as soon as George had put his book down on the table. 

"Huh?" George asked curious, looking at the couple in front of him holding hands. 

"It was Nick's idea!" Callahan passed it back, looking at Alyssa for help. 

"I can confirm that." She said, nodding at Nick. 

"That's biased." Nick said in self defense. 

"Someone tell me!" George was starting to get nervous, when those three agreed on something, it wouldn't be good. 

At that moment Niki and Puffy, Alyssa's two roommates came over to their table. Putting down their trays with food. Hearing the silence they both looked at Alyssa for answers. 

"Fine! I'll say it." Alyssa said, before one of them would rip the head of the other. "Nick and Callahan has planned a party." She stated, taking a bite of her food. 

"They have done that a lot, I'll just go to the computer room tonight then." George said, used to the things his friends did. 

"No." Nick said, smiling to himself. "You're going." 

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