Christmas Break pt. 3 New Years

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I have no idea what came over me as I wrote this chapter. I don't think I am okay. Well have fun reading this story... I am sooo sorry for the beginning...

Also, I know Tommy just said he is okay with shipping, but I am not sure how Tubbo feels, so I am not writing them romantically. Niki and Wilbur won't be a thing in this story either. Also neither Fundy or Wilbur are after Dream in this story. There might be a bit of Callyssa and Skephalo... Maybe even Karlnap?... (I don't know if that is their ship name, but it is now!)

I am not sure how Karl feels about shipping, so if he ever says anything about it not being okay, I will delete that part.

30th of December

Dream POV

Gosh, I love waking up with George in my arms. I love his face. I love the way he subconsciously cuddles into my chest for the heat. I love being with him. I love the person he makes me. I love everything about him. I just love George. Obviously he know that I love him. He knows I love him as a friend. This was different however. It is easy to say I love you to a friend, but this is George. George is everything to me. What if he doesn't feel the same? He never says it back, when we joke around in videos.

I looked over to my clock on my bedside table. It was already 10 am, and we had to clean the house before tomorrow, we had to go shopping for snacks, we had to figure out what to get for dinner. There was a lot to do.

George was really cuddly in his sleep, I love that about him, but it does make it hard to leave bed without waking him up. I decided to wake him up, after all we did go to bed at 1 am, so he had already gotten his 9 hours of sleep. I kissed his forehead, and whispered in his ear.

"Georgie... You have to get up..." He flinched slightly at the sound.

"Mhmm..." He said letting me know he was kinda awake, but not enough to move.

"George, I'm serious we have to get up." I whispered a bit louder this time. He didn't say anything. "I would love to stay here all day, but we have to do stuff."

"I know..." He said, drifting back asleep again.

⚠️ I think this is lime. I am not sure... But it is definitely not fluff. But there is also no sex. So I think this would qualify as lime...⚠️

I knew this wasn't going to work. I inspected our position, as I came up with a plan in my head. In one quick motion I managed to flip George on his back, and sit on top of his stomach, with my legs on each side of his lower stomach, and his arms over his head, held down by my hands. He opened his eyes from the surprise. I saw a smile on his lips, as he looked up at me.

"Good morning." I said, laughing slightly.

"Good morning." He said still smiling.

I slowly leaned down to meet his lips, in a sweet but lazy morning kiss. I wanted more than that, to be honest. I scooched my butt down a bit lower so I was sitting on his upper thighs. I leaned down again and meet his lips, this time I kissed harder. After a good 20 seconds I moved on to the next place. I placed a kiss just half an inch to the right, then another half inch, then one slightly below. I made my way down his face. Once I got to his neck I paused for a second, looking in his eyes for a 'go on', and I got one. I kissed down his jaw, leaving no spot dry. I got to his neck, and George let out a small moan. I smiled to my self, proud that I found that spot. I started sucking on that spot, his moans only getting louder, as his body started twitching.

"Clay!.. I think that is enough!.." He whisper yelled. "Clay. Seriously stop it!.." He moaned. I wanted to keep going, but I know if I did, I wouldn't be able to stop again.

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