Morning sex (smut.. obviously)

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Re-upload. (Almost done I promise)

So this is just smut... Yeah enjoy or whatever.

George and Clay had just moved in together. The two of them had been in a relationship for 2 years and George had just settled into his new house. George had never been happier. He knew he wanted to be with Clay for the rest of his life.

"Good morning handsome." Clay said, wrapping his arms around George. George felt the warmth from Clay even through his shirt.

"Good morning." George said smiling. He wiggled out of Clay's arms and sat on top of his lover's stomach. He bend down to place a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. "I love you." He said, pulling away.

"I love you too." Clay hummed, placing his hands on George's thighs and squeezing slightly.

Clay pulled himself to sit up, with his head agains the header of the bed. Making George slide down to Clay's lap. George bend down once more to place a longer and more passionate kiss on Clay's lips.

"What do you have to do today?" George asked, pulling away. Clay smiled, seeing the glow in George's eyes.

Clay moved his hips, surprising George. George quickly relaxed as he recognized the motion.

"Not much.. Why?." Clay asked teasing, he knew why George asked.

"Because I have been patient and drained the last two days. And want to enjoy my boyfriend again." George's hands started to wander on Clay's chest.

"Yeah.. You have been very patient." Clay said, with a smirk on his face. Clay's hands made their way up to George's hips, he pushed his thumbs in George's skin, not too hard.

"Please, Clay.." George whispered. Clay knew exactly how to get under George's skin.

"You have been very, very patient." Clay said in a seducing tone, speaking very slow. George started moving his hips, grinding down on Clay, who could feel himself getting harder. "And you have earned it." Clay let out a bit quicker, but still in the same tone.

George quickly removed his shirt, and started to kiss along Clay's neck. George could hear quiet noises of enjoyment coming from Clay. Clay's grip on George got tighter, which George really enjoyed as he sucked harder on a spot that Clay seemed to love. George was sitting in the best spot possible. He could feel Clay getting harder under him, which drove George crazy.

"Mhhh-" Clay let out a moan, he knew George liked when he didn't hold them back. "You are so good at this."

In one quick motion George lifted himself and took Clay's joggers off him. He sat down on Clay's lap again quickly, completely forgetting that he was hard. Clay let out a noice of discomfort and George quickly apologized.

"Sorry! Sorry! I am so sorry!" George was scared he had hurt Clay too much, his eyes were wandering around in panic. Clay grabbed George's face to calm him down.

"It is okay George. You didn't do anything wrong." Clay laughed slightly, George nodded and Clay started gripping George's ass, squeezing it to get George going again.

George scooted down to sit on Clay's thighs and started kissing his body. Starting where he left off at Clay's neck and slowly moving down, teasing the younger male under him. Clay squirmed under George, making George proud that he already turned Clay on enough for him to be impatient. George smiled to himself as he got to the band on Clay's boxers, making Clay lay completely still.

"Should we go get breakfast?" George asked, looking up at Clay, who was dumbfounded. George smiled at Clay, who couldn't seem to move.

"You better not."

George got up from the bed and started walking towards the door. Clay was ready for George to walk through it and disappear around the corner. Instead he just closed the door and took his boxers off. George walked quickly back up to Clay and tucked on the band of his boxers.

"I actually thought you were going to walk out..." Clay said and raised his body, and George took Clay's boxers off.

The two of them had different 'roles' during sex. George usually received and Clay usually gave. George crawled up on the bed again, he placed a kiss on Clay's forehead and crawled down to his lap again. George hovered over Clay's dick teasing slightly, he slowly lowered himself, as to not get too hurt in the process. George felt himself open more, as he pushed Clay inside him.

"Ahh-" George let out a moan as he had all of Clay inside him. He moved ever so slightly to get used to the feeling. George picked up speed, getting impatient.

"George, slow down. I am not going anywhere." Clay, laughed to himself.

George stopped moving, just enjoying the feeling of Clay. George redeemed himself ready and nodded at Clay, who nodded back. George slowly moved up and down, not having a rhythm yet. He slowly picked up speed and let out a lot of moans in pleasure. George found a good speed and tried to keep it. It was moments like these where Clay couldn't believe George was his. He looked so gorgeous while riding him.

"What? Is it not good?" George asked, seeing Clay looked expressionless. Clay quickly snapped his head up at George.

"No, it is amazing." Clay moaned out, realizing what was going on. Clay had no idea how he couldn't feel the pleasure, moments before, but now he was feeling it. "Fuck George-!" Clay moaned, wanting to enjoy this for the whole day. "You are so fucking gorgeous-"

Clay started twitching a lot. But he didn't want his high to end just yet. George could feel Clay pulsing inside him.

"You are not gonna come already are you?" George said, daringly. George knew Clay couldn't let him down.

"Already? I have lasted long considering how good this is." Clay shot back, wanting to push George as well.

"Clay-" Neither of them knew why, but George seemed to respond good to praising. It hasn't always been like this though, it is only Clay's praise. George didn't know why, he just needed it.

"Now you know how I feel, looking at you bouncing on my dick." Clay let it hang in the air. "You are fucking gorgeous, George." Clay was out of breath and impressed he hadn't come yet.

George started getting tighter, which Clay took as a sign that he couldn't keep going much longer.

"Clay please-" George wanted to finish, but he didn't want to be the first one to do so.

"George, you look so pretty when you come. Please come for me-"

That seemed to be what George needed. Clay made sure to take in everything about him as George came. George's eyes going to the back of his head, the way he opened his mouth ever so slightly, how he tried to keep the pace for Clay, but failed, that was it. Clay's weakness, seeing George in pleasure, feeling how he couldn't function just because of Clay.

"George I am going to come." Clay tried to push George off, but he wouldn't move.

"Then come." Clay finished not even a second after the words left George's mouth.

George was still bouncing, trying to get everything out. Clay's stomach was covered his George's cum. And inside George all of Clay's went. The two men panting from the high they were just in. George had gotten all of his semen out and was moving his hips to make sure he had all of Clay's inside him. It was pain for George, because of how tight he had gotten, but he kept going for Clay.

When George was sure he couldn't give Clay anymore pleasure, he slowly lifted himself from Clay's lap, feeling the pain kick in as he felt empty without Clay. George laid down besides Clay, both of them radiating with heat and happiness. Clay wrapped his arms around George's smaller body and George cuddled closer, in the younger's chest.


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