Don't leave me!

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⚠️Trigger warning. Attempted suicide. Angsty stuff. Panic attack. Hospitalization. Mention of abuse. ⚠️

George POV

It was a day like any other. I had just finished my stream and I was sitting in a call with my friends, Dream and Sapnap.

"Gogy! Sometimes you act like a girl!" Sapnap yelled. I could feel my heart beat raising. There is no way they know. Or is there?

"I am sorry Sapnap! Not everyone needs to show their toxic masculinity every chance they get!" I retorted back. I know he was just joking, but something in me took control and I couldn't help it.

"George! You don't have to be so mean to Sapnap." Dream tried to make everything better. But I knew I was long gone.

"I know I am not good enough for you two, just let me be!" I yelled back. Why wouldn't they just let me leave? Leave this call. Leave them. Leave this world. Every time I had tried to end it. It would be those two. They would look at me disapprovingly. They would place a hand on my shoulder. Or pick me back up. Of course all in my head, I haven't actually met them before.

"Okay George if you aren't good enough, then just leave!" Sapnap yelled back... Almost... Mocking me?

"Fine I will then! Since you two were the last to leave me, I might as well!" I ended the call. Did they actually let me? I took a deep breath in. Was this it? I got up from my chair. Writing a note, just in case. I had burned all the previous ones I had written. If neither of them texted before it was done. Then I know.

Dear people.

I know some of you might miss me. No, what am I talking about you won't.

You will say something at my funeral. Something about me being nice, something about you wanting to see me one last time or something about wanting me back. But you won't mean it.

You will make an update on social media. Something about us being close. Well clearly not close enough.

Some of you might cry a little, but not for me. You will cry for the thought of us. The though of what we were. Something that wasn't real.

The last two people I needed to hear say bye. Just did.

-George. My name doesn't matter, since you will forget in a year or so. Bye.

That was it. Their time was up. I removed the code from my phone, just to make it easier. I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself.

Now, how? Hanging? Jump from a bridge? Cutting?

I know, pills. The pussy way out. The one that hurts the least. The least messy one. The one that won't scar someone as much. I sent one last text to Dream and Sapnap.

Thank you.

I could feel the tears building up. I opened a bottle filled with ibuprofen. I had suffered from headaches for a long time, so this was going to do. I have always been bad at swallowing pills. I took them one at a time.

I remember reading once, when I almost decided to do it that drinking alcohol with them, would give it a higher chance of working. I drank a bottle of red wine, not a fancy one, but it did the job. I started to write another note.

I have always wanted blue roses for my wedding. Please give my blue roses at my funeral instead.

Thank you.

Also. My name is George now. Just so you know. Gabriella died a long time ago. Never use that name again.

The last thing I remember before blacking out was answering Dream's call and hearing his voice.

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