Past scars

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Tw: Mentions of cutting (and physical abuse, I guess?)

Dream and George had spend two days together in Florida. Yeah, in hot, humid, burning, Floridan summer weather. Dream found it weird that George only wore long sleeves, but who was he to judge. We all have our insecurities and small quirks. 

"You know it's okay to at least sleep in a t-shirt?" Dream asked when George came out in a hoodie. 

George looked away, not answering at first. "Mhm! This is just more comfy." George tried to sound enthusiastic, but Dream could tell something was off. 


Dream didn't question it any further for a week. 

George was taking a shower he hadn't taken any clothes with him, because, well Dream was sleeping, it just didn't seem to bother him. But when he stepped out of the bathroom he saw Dream, who pulled him in for a morning kiss, smiling at the smaller. 

"Good morning handsome.." Dream teased looking in the other's eyes. "Did yo-" Dream stopped, looking at George's arms. 

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna go ch-" George started to turn around, but Dream grabbed his wrist, pulling him in for a hug. 

"Stay?" Dream asked, holding George a bit tighter. George nodded before tears started falling from his eyes. 

"You shirt is gonna get wet." George stated, his head buried in the other's chest. 

"I don't mind." Dream started playing with George's hair, trying to get the other to relax. "When did you make the last one?" Dream whispered. 

"A year-" 

"The truth. Those look newer." 

"They are." George pulled away, looking at Dream. "I didn't make them." He bit his lip. "When my dad saw he started making more. Because, 'if I can live with the ones I make, I can live with the ones he makes.'" 

"Fucking hell George.." Dream wiped George's tears away, kissing his cheeks. "Come with me." Dream lead George to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed and pulling George to his lap.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.." George buried his face in Dream's neck. Dream started bringing one of George's arms up, tracing his fingers over the marks. 

"Don't be." Dream started kissing George's arm, starting with his hand, where there weren't any marks, moving up his arm slowly. "Is it okay?" 

"Mhm.." Dream kept kissing the scars, giving each a kiss, before moving on to the next one, then the next, next one, going to the top of his arm and kissing along his collarbone to the other arm, where he kissed down towards George's hand. 

"So strong, so amazing, so wonderful, so perfect, so pretty." Dream intertwined their fingers with both of his hands. "I love you, okay?" George nodded shyly, he couldn't say anything, just nod. 

"I know I should have said something. I didn't wanna bother you."

"Bother me? I would be honored if you told all your secrets to me." Dream stated, smiling at George. "Can I do anything to help?" 

"I wanna move ou-" 

"Yes! You can stay here." George giggled at Dream's excitement. 

"Do you think that's a good idea? Moving in so soon seems risqué." 

"I lived with Sapnap for 6 months after meeting him for the first time. Plus, how long have we known each other?" 

"Like 7 years.." George smiled shy. 

"George Henry Davidson, the love of my life, my gorgeous amazing boyfriend. Would you like to move in with me?" Dream asked, sure about what he was doing. 

"Yeah. I'd love to move in with you." 

Hearts in the chat for anyone going through something. <3 ❤️

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