50 shades of gay (smut)

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"Will you please watch it with me?" Dream asked, clinging onto George. The two were currently trying to find a movie to watch, and Dream had made his mind up.. On 50 shades of grey.. Of course.

"Why that movie? We haven't even tried bondage!" George asked. Sure Dream was hyper-sexual, but he had never shown interest in bondage or bdsm.

"It's just a movie. Please?" Dream asked, turning his whole body to face George, while making puppy eyes at him.

"Okay, fine.." George answered, jokingly irritated.

"YAY! Love you!" Dream said, placing a kiss on the smaller's cheek and turning the movie on.

The two cuddled for most of the movie, George laying with his arm around Dream's shoulder, Dream cuddling into George's stomach. When the first sex scene came on, the two were greatly disgusted.

"That's-.." George started, Dream just nodding. "Weird.."

"And disgusting.." Dream answered, turning the movie off. He turned his head to look at George, who was looking down at him. "I MEAN WHO IS STRAIGHT?" Dream asked jokingly, knowing they were both on about the movie.

George laughed, soon being serious, knowing Dream's laugh was fake. "Are you okay?" George asked, Dream looked back up with eyes that didn't look okay.

"Yeah?.. I'm fine." Dream tried to lie, but lying to your boyfriend isn't always easy.

No. What is it?" George pushed Dream slightly off, the two sitting up to look at each other.

"I- I wanna try it." Dream said, George looking shocked.

"Okay.. I wanna talk about it first then. What exactly is it that you wanna try?" George asked, grabbing the other's hands and intertwining their fingers.

"I wanna try bondage.. Like light bondage. Like being tied to the bed, being spanked, degrading.. that stuff." Dream said shy, George shifted slightly, biting his lip, before leaning down to Dream's ear.

"You wanna be my slut? My little toy to play with?" George whispered in Dream's ear, sending shivers down the other's neck.

"Mhm~" Dream almost moaned.

"Do you wanna try it now?" George's voice was calm and seductive, Dream had no idea where this George came from, but oh boy did he like it.

Dream's breath hitched when George bit on his ear, Dream whimpering a bit when George removed his mouth.

"Answer me!" George demanded. The two were switches, although most of the times it weren't really clear who was the dominant one and who was the submissive one. It was mostly, who gives and who receives.

"Y-yes." Dream stuttered slightly.

"Fucking hell, I love consent~" George said, nibbling gently on Dream's ear, making the other giggle cutely.

"Do we need a safe word?" Dream asked, George still biting gently on his boyfriend's ear.

"Yeah, I want one, just to make sure. How about.. like uhh.. panda?" George asked.

"That's gonna remind me of Sap.. How about the traffic light safe words? So, red for stop, yellow for change something and green for okay or go on?" Dream asked, they hadn't felt the need for safe words until now, since most of their sex was pretty vanilla, with the occasional toy here and there.

"Yeah~ That sounds better~" George answered contently, he went to straddle the other's waist, pushing Dream down so he was laying with his hands above his head.

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