From online to irl (smut)

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Cw: Kinda bottom Dream.. But not baby Dream, just like.. You'll see.

Cw stands for content warning for those wondering.

Online dating is different from irl on so many levels. But one stood out the most to Dream and George, where does the other draw the line? Dream was always super flirty when they talked over discord or team speak, but when George flew out to Florida to visit Dream, he almost seemed shy, or like he was holding back.

The two hugged at the airport, neither of them sure if they wanted more or not, probably not in a place filled with people though.

The car ride home was awkward, no talking, just George on his phone, trying to ignore the situation, while Dream drove, keeping his eyes on the road, even at red lights.

When they got home, Dream grabbed one of George's bags, George took the other, leaving both of them with one free hand, Dream wanted to grab that hand. But would that be too far for George?

"So.. What do you wanna do?" Dream asked, awkward and shy. "Are you tired or do you need anything?" The two stood with a bit of space between their bodies.

"I'm not that tired, we can do something if you want." George was equally as shy and awkward if not more.

"Uhm.. I can show you around if you'd like? And maybe we could watch a movie after?" George nodded and Dream grabbed both of George's bags. "D-do you want them in the spare room or in mine?"

"The spare room is okay.." Dream nodded understandably, but he also felt a bit sad.

After the room tour the two sat down on the couch in Dream's living room, Dream turning it on, both of them agreeing on avengers endgame.

30 minutes into the movie, Dream stretched his arm behind George, who seemed to freeze. Dream pulled his arm to himself, seeing George being uncomfortable.

"Don't.." George spoke up, looking at Dream, who put his hand back and scooted closer.

"Is it okay?" Dream asked, quietly. George nodded, cuddling a bit into Dream's side. George felt butterflies in his stomach, the other so close almost seemed like a dream come true.

"Can we find a more comfy position?" George asked, his neck had started to hurt, due to his head sliding down to the other's stomach.

"Yeah." Dream lifted his arms, to let George sit up. "Uhh how about like a spooning position?" George nodded and let Dream lie down, soon laying down in front of him.

"I like this better." George said. Dream wrapped his arms around George, who hesitantly took the blonde's hand. "Is this okay?"

"Mhm.." Dream hugged the other tighter, both of them smiling as the movie still played in front of them.

While watching Dream wrapped his legs around George's.

"Is it-"

"Yeah. I like it." George cut Dream off, both of them smiling again. "I promise I'll tell you if there is something I don't like."

"I like that promise." Dream kissed the top of the other's head.

"I liked that." George stated and turned around in the other's arms, almost falling off, but Dream caught him. George pressed his nose softly against the other's. "Is this okay too?" He asked.

"Yeah.." Dream whispered. "More is okay too, if you want." George bit his lip, looking a bit nervous. "This is amazing too, you know?"

"I just want this for a bit longer." George smiled, looking into each others eyes.

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