Long distance sucks

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It was one of those day, one of the shitty days where Clay just really wanted someone to cuddle with. When he woke up at 1 pm (blame the shitty timezones..), George wasn't on call with him anymore. They had fallen asleep on call once again, but George wasn't there now. For some reason it broke Clay's heart. 

My Georgie ❤️: Good morning baby, sorry I had to leave. I promise I will be there later, I just had something to do and didn't wanna wake you up just because I had to go. I know I don't say this enough but I love you. 

The nickname made Clay smile, reading George loved him send him over the moon. But he still wanted George to be there with him. Just knowing George was walking around in his house would be enough. But no, Clay had to fall for his best friend who lived on another continent. 

Dreamie❤️: It's okay, I love you too. Let me know when you are back <3

Ohh god, did George make him weak. But then again, George had always done that to him, even before they started dating. Feeling the need to please him whether it would be doing the shock stream, that he really didn't wanna do or stay up all night to be on his streams. Clay didn't mind it though, for one reason only; it was George, if George wanted him there, he would be there. 

Before getting out of bed, Clay checked twitter. Seeing his notifications had blown up, he pressed them and started scrolling. First thing he saw was a picture of Ant and Velvet holding hands. What Clay would give for a picture like that with George, or just to be able to say they were dating. Only their friends knew, they hadn't made anything public. Not because they were ashamed about their sexuality or each other, not because they were scared of people's reactions. It was the same thing with Dream's face reveal, he wanted to do it and of course he was anxious about it, but it was more just needing to find the perfect time to do it, like kissing on stage at a meet and great or something. 

Once Clay felt like getting up, he did so. Not really excited about anything and honestly just wanting to go back to sleep, but he didn't wanna sleep if George got back online. Clay got up, seeing Patches on the couch in the living room and giving her morning pets. 

"Do you want some breakfast?" Clay asked, in the usual voice he uses on her. Patches immediately jumped down and ran to her food bowl. 

Clay wouldn't describe himself as emotional or like a big cryer. But today, he was. For no reason what so ever. When he saw a text from George pop up, he wiped his eyes and started smiling. He read the text quickly. 

My Georgie❤️: Hey Baby, I'm mostly done with the stuff I had to do. I have about 10 minutes to text!

Dreamie❤️: YAAY! I have waited for you to text!..

My Georgie❤️: How come? Do you miss my beautiful voice?

Dreamie❤️: No...

Dreamie❤️: I miss your stupid face, your pretty eyes, holding your perfect hands, kissing you luscious lips, waking up next to you and your beautiful voice, especially your morning voice

My Georgie❤️: Aww- Dreamie, I miss you too. You just have to wait a little more before I am with you <3

My Georgie❤️: I have to go now, but I'm gonna be back before you know it <3

Clay put his phone down, sighing as he felt alone again. The long distance thing weren't working for the two and Clay knew. But George couldn't be here without a visa and it was a hard process to get a visa, they had done a lot of research for it, but then England went to lockdown and they just had to deal with the distance. 

When Clay heard a knock on his door he went to check it out, peaking through the hole in his door, he saw... Wait that couldn't be? Clay took another look, nope it was still him. He opened the door, with tears in his eyes, looking down at the man in front of him, just about a head shorter. 

"Hi.." George smiled, before getting pulled in for a hug, Clay picking the man up like he didn't weigh anything. George's hands had made their way behind Clay's neck and was resting there, while being held up, Clay's hands around his waist. 

"I have missed you.." Clay said, after putting the smaller man down, Clay wiped the dry tears from his face. 

"Come here!." George said, placing a hand under Clay's chin and pulling him in for a kiss, both boys melted at the touch. George pulled away smiling, taking one of his suitcases, Clay taking the other and walking in. 

The two boys were watching a movie, while cuddling on the couch, with Patches laying beside them. The brunette cuddling close into the blondes chest, the blonde rubbing circles on the brunettes back. 

"If you keep rubbing my back like that, I am going to fall asleep.." George mumbled in Clay's chest, making the other chuckle slightly. 

"I never got to ask, when do you have to go home again.?" Clay didn't wanna think about George going home again, but he knew it was inevitable. 

George shot up, making Patches and Clay jump slightly, the taller man laughing at George's clumsiness.

"I have something to show you, wait a second." George ran out of the room, upstairs to where he had his stuff, in Clay's room. "Close your eyes!" 

Clay did as he was told and placed his hands in front of his eyes, as he heard footsteps running down the stairs, skipping the last few steps with a jump. 

"Okay, okay.!" George sat down beside Clay, bouncing slightly on the couch. "You can open." 

When Clay opened his eyes he saw George holding a small plastic card, no bigger than your average phone or wallet. 

"Is that-?!" Clay picked it out of George's hands, both smiling as Clay realized what it was. "Is that your visa?!." George started nodding, feeling unable to talk. 

"I- It is.." Clay jumped on the other, trapping him on the couch under his own body, while kissing his face all over. "Okay, okay!" Clay stopped kissing the other and instead just relaxed on his chest, squeezing his body in a tight hug.

"Do you wanna live with me?!." Clay's face seemed to light up even more, making adorable puppy eyes while waiting for a response.

"Yeah, that was what I was thinking." Clay started kissing George's face again, making the other squirm under him. 

"I love you George." 

"I love you too." George pulled Clay in for a kiss on the lips. "Now, can we get back to the movie?" 

Soo, I know the process for a visa takes YEARS but I thought this would make for a cute plot, so don't think too much about it :) 

- <3 Love

Edit: You have no idea how much I related to this as a wrote it.. Sometimes I wish I never started watching the Dream team.. It's abusing my mental health. But she's worth it <3

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