Christmas Break pt. 2 Christmas Eve

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I am just going to make up some names for Dreams family. His younger sister is Drista (Yes cause of Tommy's stream). His older sister is Cecilia. His brothers name is Daniel. His parents are just going by mom and dad. 

Also I picture Clays brother to be around 16-17. Idk why.

And his older sister to be the same age as George (23-24). 

Dream POV

It was finally the day. Christmas Eve. The day everyone around the whole world has waited for, for the past month. Especially me, I was so excited to spend Christmas with my best friend. Ew, I hate that I have to call George my best friend. But it's better than not having him in my life at all. 

I woke up at 8 am, I had arranged with my parents that George and I would be there at 10 am, so we all could eat lunch together. I walked down the hall, to wake up George, but as I got to his door it swung open. 

"Hello." He said looking equally as surprised as me. 

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. 

"Yeah, how about you?" 

"Yeah me too... I am going to take a shower, you can take one after me." I said he nodded. 

"Okay. I am going to feed Patches then." He answered, and headed downstairs.

I went downstairs to take my shower. When I got out I realized I didn't bring any clothes to change into after my shower. Being used to live alone it was never really a problem I have had before. I wrapped my towel around my waist, and walked out, hoping George was in his room, so he wouldn't see my disgusting body. Why is my body so disgusting. Yeah my stomach was flat, but I didn't have abs. My nipples are weird, they look so different from everyone else. My chest hair is weird as well, I don't have a lot, but it just looks so disgusting. Everything about me is disgusting. 

George POV

I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching the news. I sound so old saying that. I heard the door to the bathroom open, and decided to get up. When I walked out into the hallway I saw Clay. He was wearing nothing but a towel covering his crotch area. He was standing facing me. I paused for a few seconds, taking in how hot his body was. He didn't look muscular, he didn't look skinny either. He just looked the right amount of everything. His hair was still wet and messy. Stop staring George. I could hear a voice in my head telling me. Clay cleared his throat, which brought me back to reality. 

"Sorry. I didn't expect to see you." Wow really George, that was all you could come up with. 

"Like what you see?" Clay said winking with a smirk on his face. He started walking closer to me. His face was still looking seductive as if it said 'come get me'. My body had completely shut off, leaving me standing as still as I could. He was only a few feet away from me now. 

Dream POV

I really have no idea where the confidence came from. It was just there, and I sure as hell wasn't going to pass this chance up. When I saw George standing there, I knew I had to mess with him a bit. We were less than a feet apart, and I could practically taste his breath. He was frozen. He didn't move, clearly terrified going over all the scenarios in his head. What was Clay going to do next? I grabbed his waist, and pulled him close to me. I slowly leaned forward, our lips inches from touching. Thats when it happened. 

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