They are out of my adhd meds :)(:

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"Hun.." Dream started as he walked through the front door, holding two bags filled with groceries, while George was cooking lunch for the two.

"Yeah?" George asked, hearing the tone in Dream's voice, which made him a bit uneasy.

"You know how you told me to go by the pharmacy to get my adhd medicine cause they are closed over easter?" Dream smiled, hugging George from behind, knowing his reaction next wouldn't be good.

"Hun?..." George's tone was now serious, Dream hugging him a bit tighter.

"They are out of it." Dream smiled, fake, placing his head on top of George's. George widened his eyes, immediately realizing he would have to deal with Dream off his adhd medicine.

"I'M GOING TO SAPNAP AND KARL'S" George exclaimed, going to their room, to jokingly pack his stuff.

"THROUGH SICKNESS AND HEALTH MOTHERFUCKER!" Dream yelled, walking after him.

Dream caught up with George in the hallway, just before their room, bringing the other in for a sweet hug.

"Embrace this, cause it might be the last time I'm calm enough for you to hug me for a long time." Dream stated, both hugging each other a bit tighter.

"I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.." George joked, giggling slightly.

"Both." Dream answered, placing a kiss on George's forehead.

"I love you. Even if you sometimes got on my nerves, I love you." George said, knowing he indeed did love Dream. 

"OH? I get on your nerves?" Dream sassed back, letting George go. 

"Oi! That's not nice." George yelled jokingly, shoving the other a bit back, not hard enough for him to get hurt or fall. 

"Come on. Let's go finish dinner." Dream offered, holding his hand forward while walking over to George again. George took Dream's hand, both walking to the kitchen again, where George continued to cook.

Saw a TikTok like this and wanted to do it with Dnf. Hope it's okay that I do more short oneshots. I just like it better. 

Hope you all have a wonderful day. ❤️


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