Get a femboy to spot you

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If George had to be honest he didn't really pay attention to what Dream was saying, he was just sitting with his phone, doing a TikTok. George was just in his own world, playing with Dream's hair. That wonderful, curly, soft hair. 

"Hey, you wanna see my ass?" George asked, not really thinking about what he was saying, George just knew he was horny and wanted Dream. 

"Fuck yes!" Dream just said. Dream stopped recording on his phone, getting up to pull George into a kiss. George just giggled at his boyfriend, as they kissed, which Dream found adorable. 

"So are you gonna come to the bedroom with me?" George teased as Dream pulled away from the kiss. 

"Yes. Yes I am." Dream had big eyes, excited for what was about to happen. George rarely took the initiative to do something like this, but Dream was really enjoying it. "You know I love you, right?" Dream asked, neither of them really sure where it came from. 

"I love you too Dreamie~" George teased, smiling at Dream. Dream began blushing like crazy, hearing the man he loved, saying he loves him back, it was an amazing and fuzzy feeling. 

"So.. Are you gonna show me your ass?" Dream asked, wheezing a tiny bit as he sat down on the bed, George standing in front of him. 

"When you ask so nicely~" George teased back, beginning to pull his pants down.

I think you guys know what come next, but I kinda just wanted to post something again. I hope you all have a wonderful day, evening or night.


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