Clay, you are sick.

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I remember reading a fanfic like this, but don't remember who made it... If you did and want credits for the idea or for me to remove the story, then let me know. 

So Dream doesn't have Patches in this story... Sorry my baby! Also there isn't a deadly virus going around in this universe... Honestly fuck corona!

3rd POV

George was over the moon with excitement as he left the plane, to enter the airport where he was supposed to meet his best friend in. George had never seen his best friend in real life before. George was from England and Dream, his best friend, from Florida. They had met each other playing Minecraft and immediately became friends. They had decided to spend the summer together. They had invited Sapnap as well, but he wasn't able to come. Which the two boys was a bit sad about, but neither of them complained. Dream had had a thing for George basically since they first talked. And George recently realized his feelings for Dream. Not that either of them would ever admit it. 

George entered the big airport where he was supposed to meet Dream. 

George: I just landed where are you?

Dream: You are at gate 3, right?

Dream: Never mind I think I see you!!

George: Wait! Where are you?!

Dream: Right behind you...

George turned around as fast as he could, stumbling a bit. He regained his balance and looked up to see a tall, blonde man in front of him. His face was even better looking than George could ever imagine. Freckles occupying his cheeks. His eyes a weird yellow color, most likely green, since George couldn't see green. The color of his eyes didn't matter, they looked amazing with or without color. His lips small and a light shade of pink. The taller boy hugged George. Knowing it indeed was his best friend, George wrapped his arms around Dreams body. They pulled away to look at each other again. 

"Hi George." Dream said, looking at the smaller boy in front of him. 

"Hi..." George let the word a hang in the air for a bit. "You are really tall." He added, not confusion in his voice, but certainty. Like he was just stating what was in front of him. Dream started to laugh. 

"And you are really short." He said back, in a jokey tone. "How was the flight?" 

"Long and tiring." George said, yawning on cue. 

"Do you wanna go home then?" Dream asked, smiling at George. George nodded and they headed to Dreams car. 

Dreams car was an older truck. It looked like it was in fine condition, but George didn't understand why Dream didn't buy a newer car. He has the money to do so. But whatever floats his boat. They put George's luggage in the trunk of the car. George sat in the passengers seat and Dream in the drivers seat. Dream turned the radio on to drown out the silence. As George listened to Dream humming to the radio he could feel himself drifting off to sleep. 

George woke up to Dream nudging his arm. 

"George. We are here!" Dream said excited. George opened his eyes to see the house in front of him. He took in how big the house was and looked over at Dream, who seemed a bit embarrassed at George's reaction. 

"Okay. Shall we go in?" George asked, unbuckling his seat belt. George's eyes were filled with excitement as he got out of the car, feeling the warm air of Florida. The two boys got George's luggage and went in to the house. George didn't believe how clean Dream's house was, after all Dream was a 21 year old boy, who lives alone. Yet George understood why he would want his house clean. 

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