Skirt (smut)

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Kinda part two of "Just a little lingerie." But you don't have to read it before to understand.

"Georgie-?" Dream asked, the two boys cuddled up on the couch, while George was scrolling through lingerie webshops.

"Hm?" He looked up at his boyfriend, who's chest he was laying on.

"Uhm.. I don't know how to ask." Dream started fiddling with his and and George's free hands.

"Just ask hun." George put his phone away and turned to look directly at Dream.

"Would you be open to trying.. uhh.. like a skirt?" George's expression softened as he started smiling.

"Oh god, you worry me so much sometimes.." George grabbed Dream's hands, intertwining their fingers. "Of course, I have told you, I wanna try everything once, before saying I don't like it." George opened their arms and fell into Dream's chest again, this time his face buried in the other's shirt.

"I think you would look amazing." Dream squeezed George's ass, making the smaller squirm. "I mean, imagine that ass.."

A week later the two skirts they ordered arrived, with some new lingerie they had been looking at. George was there to receive the packages, which means, Dream had absolutely no idea what was gonna happen when he came home. While Dream was with his parents, George unpacked and tried on the new stuff. A royal blue lace bodysuit, which covered less than it showed, with the bodysuit came a pair of matching stockings and straps which connected to the bodysuit. The skirt was plain black, to start of easy, George picked that color.

When he had put the stuff on he stood in the bedroom mirror, looking, admiring the way he actually looked good in a skirt. He quickly threw on one of his crop tops, knowing that with the high waisted skirt the whole bodysuit would be covered, his lower back however wasn't fully covered, but he threw on one of Dream's merch hoodies, with covered almost his whole body, the skirt only just sticking out below it.

George was sitting in the living room when Dream came home, George wearing the hoodie and having a blanket over his legs.

"Hey baby-" Dream said, walking over and placing a kiss on George's cheek.

"What? Can't I get a real kiss?" George pulled Dream down, pressing their lips together, the taller lost balance and needed to place his hand on the couch, George saw that as his way to get Dream to feel under the blanket. Their lips still crashing together and getting more passionate, George took Dream's hand and placed it on his hips. When Dream moved his hand to George's member the smaller moaned in the kiss.

"Mhh-.." George started grinding against Dream's hand, the taller having no idea what was under the blanket. "You are gonna want me to stand up." George said as he pulled away from the kiss.

"I want you to get on your knees, with your ass in the air." Dream placed another kiss on George's lips, as the brunette giggled.

George stood up by himself, Dream's face turning a deep red color.

"Fuck- You look fucking hot in that skirt." Dream said, placing his hands one the smaller's hips and beginning to suck on his neck, as George moaned out in pleasure.

When Dream started taking George's shirt off, the smaller started smirking, almost laughing at the compliment he got, just from the skirt. When Dream saw George in the crop top, he couldn't help the moan that escaped him.

"Mhm-.." George bit his lip, smiling like he was a little kid in a candy shop.

"You like it?" George walked to stand closer to Dream, their bodies pressed against each other. The brunette looking up at the blonde.

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