Getting off in my boyfriend's lap (smut)

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I had no idea what to name this..

Bottom Dream, overstimulation (kinda, not really)

Clay liked being a brat when George wouldn't give him attention, and for some reason today was one of the days George didn't give him attention. Clay was trying to ignore it and just keep his mind on editing his video, he really was, but it was hard, when he had George in the other room laughing and having fun with Sapnap, Karl and Quackity.

Clay decided that after an hour of no affection he needed it, he saved the video, even though he only did like a minute extra on the editing. Clay opened the door to George's office/guest room and George immediately turned around, Clay looking back with puppy eyes and a sad face.

"Just a second." George muted himself, putting his headphones down and signaling for Clay to step closer. "What is it?" George grabbed Clay's hands as he pulled him to sit on his lap. Clay didn't answer, instead he just nuzzled his face into George's neck, whimpering against it. "You wanted attention?" George spoke quietly.

"Mhm.." George placed his hands Clay's lower back, close to his butt, making sure he wouldn't slide off. Clay just hugged George tighter, his hands around the smaller's waist.

"Do you wanna join the call like this or do you wanna go cuddle?"

"I wanna stay like this for a bit.." Both boys spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb the other. George reached over for his headphones, unmuting himself before speaking.

"Hey, sorry. Clay's family just arrived, I have to go now. Bye guys!" George left the call, after hearing "goodbyes" and "talk laters" from the rest of them.

"You know.. I was about to just walk in and start sucking you off under the table." Clay's tone was still quiet and cute, making George giggle slightly.

"Yeah..? So you are trying to make me hard now?" George said in a slightly seductive tone, in-between chuckles.

"Is it working?" Clay started grinding on the smaller man, trapped under him, moaning slightly against the other's neck.

"Do you wanna do it right here? Hmm?.. Are you that much of a slut?" George spoke louder and more sure than he had before. Finishing his sentence with a slap on Clay's ass.

"Fu-!" Clay bit down on his lip. "Mhm.. P- Please- George-" Clay continued to grind, sending waves of pleasure through both their bodies.

"Do as I say." George grabbed Clay's face, making him look into his eyes. Clay nodded, not caring about how he got George, as long as he had him. "You are gonna keep doing this, until you come, got it?"

"Mhm.." Clay nodded as a way to empathize his consent.

"Fucking slut," George slapped Clay again, making him moan out from the slight sting. "My fucking slut."

"Yours, only yours." Clay looked at George with pleading eyes as he got himself off on George's growing erection. Clay's arms went from George's waist, to his shoulders. "Kiss?" George leaned in, making his dick move slightly, positioning itself a lot better for the younger boy in his lap. "Ahh-"

"Already?" George whispered against Clay's lips, sending shivers down the other's neck. George captured Clay's lips, before he could answer, slapping his ass hard once more, making the smaller gasp, his mouth opening enough for George to slide his tongue in.

"George-" Clay moaned, in the kiss.

"Hm? Do you need anything, then ask." George started sucking Clay's neck, making sure to leave multiple red and purple marks on it.

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