Can I try? (smut)

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⚠️⚠️⚠️ Re-upload. The next few chapters are gonna be re-uploads cause Wattpad decided to delete all the oneshots that had smut in the title. 

Cock warming. If you don't know what that is, it's basically when you sit on someone's pp, not like sex, but the two of you just sit there while the other is inside you.

George smiled at Dream, the smaller standing in the door, while Dream was speedrunning.

"AARGH!" Dream groaned, slamming his head on the desk. "I CAN'T GET IT.." Dream looked up at George, immediately getting a smile on his face.

"Hi.." George smiled, seeing Dream's expression change, his cheeks getting a light pink.

"Hi handsome~" Dream teased, holding his hand out for George to take. George walked closer, taking Dream's hand, Dream placing a light kiss on it. Dream then pulled George to his lap, George sitting down and smiling even brighter at Dream.

"Don't you wanna get lunch soon?" George asked, knowing Dream had skipped breakfast and it was around 1 pm now. George moved to straddle Dream's waist, putting his legs on either side of the blond and putting his hands around the other's neck.

"Honestly, I'm not really hungry.." Dream answered, George tilted his head, letting out a sigh.

"I ordered Chinese if you want some, it'll be here in 10 minutes." George smiled, Dream chuckling slightly at George, who just giggled back.

"Okay, I'll have some. Thank you." Dream smiled, kissing George's cheek. George cuddled up against Dream's chest, smiling contently in his shirt.

"I love you~" George mumbled, Dream only just picking it up.

"I love you too~" Dream answered back.

The two stayed on the chair for a few minutes before hearing the doorbell. Dream stood up with George's limbs still attached around him, making George giggle.

"You can put me down, you know?" George asked, giggling as Dream got to the foyer.

"I don't think I will. Did you pay?" Dream asked.


Dream opened the door, the girl on the other side looking surprised, she gave Dream their food, Dream handing her the $20 they had at their front door for tips. (Tip your delivery people and waiters)

"Thank you!" She smiled, Dream nodding and closing the door as the girl left.

"Where do you wanna eat?" Dream questioned.

"Uhh.. The couch is good." George smiled, equally impressed and confused about Dream's strength. All this man do is play video games.

"The couch it is then." Dream stated proud, going into their living room and sitting down on the couch, George moving a bit when they sat down.

"Before you eat." George interrupted as Dream got their food out of the bag. "I wanna try something, You can say no if you want!" George got a tiny bit embarrassed.

"Go on~" Dream smirked, excited about what George had to say. George had never told Dream about his kinks, which led Dream to believe he was vanilla.

"Uhm.." George started, looking down his face feeling like it was on fire. "I wanna try.. like being your cock warmer.." George stated.

"Like.. Right now?" Dream asked, feeling slight butterflies in his stomach as the two looked in each others' eyes.

"We really don't have to, I was just-" George started, but was cut off by Dream's lips on his own, George letting a pleasant noise out as Dream deepened the kiss.

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