From straight A's to gay D's (smut)

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Also a re-upload

Prompt: George and Dream has always lived close to each other, George's parents were extremely overprotective and he grew up as an only child, having cameras in his room, not being allowed to have girlfriends or sleepover at any friends' house.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Dream asked, placing the last of George's boxes in his room.

"Just.. Be." George stated, plopping down on his madres and sighing loudly.

"I wanna be too." Dream stated, plopping down next to George, landing slightly on the smaller, who scooted over a bit.

"It's nice to just relax and not having to worry about my parents.." George stated smiling at Dream, who smiled back.

"Mhm~ Anything you wanna try sooner than later?" Dream asked, curios.

"Lose my virginity " George blurted out, knowing Dream was chill talking about it, since it was one of the only things he and Sapnap talked about at school. Dream started wheezing, George giggling slightly too.

"To a boy or a girl?" Dream asked, looking back up at the ceiling. George did the same.

"I'm not sure.. Like, there is something hot about a guy topping you, but then again, having a girl completely submit to you would be pretty hot too." George stated, his mind trailing off at the end.

"What about topping a guy? Or like having a switch relationship?" Dream pushed, not that George minded, but it felt a little weird to talk about sex so freely.

"Well.. I guess, but could you seriously see me topping a guy?" George looked back at Dream, who was looking back.

"Awww~ Gogy is baby~" Dream coed, teasing the smaller.

"I'm not baby! Stop calling me that.. It reminds me of my parents.." George turned away, his breath shaky as he tried to calm down from all the trauma.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.." Dream apologized, wrapping his arms shyly around George. Who seemed to tense slightly at the touch, before relaxing.

"I know you didn't.." George pushed himself closer to Dream's body, feeling the heat from the taller was enough to make him melt. (I burn you? You melt me.)

"How about, I make that wish come true now that I hurt you?~" Dream breathed in George's ear, before nibbling slightly on it, sending shivers down George's neck.

"Are you sure?" George felt small in Dream's arms, but oddly safe. Like he couldn't protect himself, but he somehow knew he was safe.

"If you want.." Dream sounded a bit hesitant, probably because it would be George's first time, ever and it would maybe feel weird to lose your virginity to your best friend.

"Wait, really?" George turned around to look at Dream, who still held him to his chest.

"Really. No BS." Dream offered a half assed smile, making the other's stomach turn, in a good way.

"What exactly would we do?." George tried to flirt back, but sounded unsure.

"Well.. I guess I would top you, there probably wouldn't be much teasing, seeing as it's your first time.. And.. Uhhh.. Maybe.. You would wanna kiss me?" Dream said, trailing off at the end.

"Dude.. You were literally talking about fucking me and then said you wanted a kiss.." George grabbed Dream's cheeks in his hands, Dream biting his lips as the two boys looked in each others' eyes.

"So?.. Can I get a kiss?.." Dream asked, moving his head a bit closer.

"I-I uhh I have never done it before, s-so it might not be good.." George whispered, moving closer as well, Dream did the same, closing the gap. The two didn't move when their lips touched, after a few seconds of them laying there, George moved his lips, opening them slightly, before closing them again. Dream did the same, the two finding a nice and slow rhythm.

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