I have a date

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Dream was sitting at his computer, practicing manhunt technices, as George knocked on his door. The younger immediately being brought back to real life.

"Yeah?" Dream called out, George opened the door to look at the other. 

"I just wanted to ask if you could look after cat and dog tonight?" George asked, looking a bit nervous. 

"Yeah, why? Do you have plans?" Of course Dream agreed, but he was bit curios of what George had to do. 

"Yeah, I have a date." George answered enthusiastically. 

"Oooo~ Is it someone I know?" Dream asked, seeing as George never talked about his love life. 

"Yeah.. It's uhh.. Luke, I met him at your birthday party.." George didn't know if Dream would be okay with him dating one of his friends. But at least then he'd know if Luke was nice and good for George. 

"Oh.." Was all Dream said, which made George nervous. 

"Oh?" George asked. 

"I didn't know you liked him, that's all.." Dream said, sounding bitter. 

"Oh.. Well I'm gonna get ready, please don't text him and say something embarrassing." George smiled, leaving the room. 

As soon as George left, Dream got his phone, going to message Luke. 

Dream: Heyo. I just heard about your date with George. If you are buying him flowers make sure to get red roses. They are his favorite. I don't know where you are going, but he likes dark coffee with nothing in it. If you need anything else feel free to text me.

Luke: Thank you sooo much. I'll let you know. 

Dream then turned his computer off, to go lay in his bed. Before George left, he let Dream and Sapnap know. Saying he would be back before 8. Dream and Sapnap just ordered food, seeing as George usually was the one cooking. 

When George came home at 7pm, Dream left his computer to go see George. Luke had been texting him every time he needed to know something about George and Dream had given him terrible advice, resulting in George coming home early, with red roses in his hands. 

"Are you okay?" Dream asked, looking to George who looked tired. 

"Yeah.. These are red, right?" George asked, as he was finding a vase for the flowers. 

"Yep.." Dream answered, standing beside George. 

"I just wish dating would be easier." George complained, standing beside Dream. 

"It is if you know the person you are going out with.." Dream answered, George knowing he was right. 

"What do you suggest? Dating you?" George 'joked', rolling his eyes. 

"If you want to." Dream stated, not saying anything else after. 

"Huh?" George didn't believe what he just heard. 

"If you want to date me, then sure." Dream repeated, George still not buying it. 

"Why not?" George just asked, jumping to sit on the counter he was leaning on moments before. 

"Great. I'll take you out tomorrow after recording the manhunt?" Dream asked, finally looking at George. 

"I'll tell Sap." George stated smiling. 

George jumped off the counter he had just sat himself on, Dream grabbing his hand before George left, pulling the smaller into his chest. 

"Finally." Dream whispered.

"Red roses, really? How creative." George teased, knowing Dream had something to do with his date going horribly wrong. 

"You love me for it." Dream hugged George a bit tighter, George relaxing into the hug. 

"That, I do." 

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