Chapter Eight

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This chapter will have include scenes of sexual abuse if you are not comfortable with that I will let you know when the scene starts and ends with "!!!"

"You think I love you...? I only married you because you're here to pay for what your father did..." Your eyes widened in shock as you felt tears slowly well up in your eyes. Was he pranking you? He loves you. He told you, so why would he lie?

"Y-Yoongi... stop playing..." He smiled, but that smile didn't reach his eyes. All the emotions that were once in his eyes were gone. The only thing in his eyes was coldness. You yelped when he let go of your neck and threw you on the bed. You backed away from him, but he suddenly got on the bed and hovered over you. He looked down at you and caressed your hair.

"Sorry, but I'm not playing around..." You felt your heart crack, and pain emerges into your heart.

"I only married you because you're here to pay for what your father did to my sister, Minju..." His sister? What did your father have to do with his sister? For all, you knew your father never met Yoongi until you met each other's families. Then, seeing the confusion on your face, he laughed.

"He never told you, huh...? Well, let me tell you then..."


"P-p-please don't kill me..." It was dark outside, and the rain was pouring. Minju had fallen on the ground and was backing away from your father Hayoon and his men. They all snickered and looked down at her like she was dust that got on their shoes.

"Your life... ends now... maybe in the next life you will be born into a good family and not into a family full of mafia members..." Minju's eyes widened as she saw Hayoon pull his gun out and pointed it at her head. Maybe she shouldn't have gone out. Perhaps she should've listened to Yoongi and stayed home. If she listened to him, she wouldn't be in this position.

"Goodbye, Min Minju..."

-End of Flashback-

You looked at him in disbelief. Your father didn't do that. Your father couldn't possibly kill an innocent person. This can't be true. It can't be. Yoongi laughed in your face as tears fell from your eyes.

"Your father killed my sister. She was the only family I had left. But he killed her."

"I didn't think that making you fall for me would be so easy. You're so naive and stupid, Y/n." Tears continued to flow from your eyes. You knew something was wrong. You knew that something wasn't right. You should've trusted your gut. You had thought that maybe your dad knew Yoongi and had met him before, but you didn't want to believe that, and because of that, you're here now.

"Do you want to know how I convinced your dad on letting me marry you...?"


"I know who you are. I also know what you are up to. But, let me tell you, I won't agree to it. I will not let my daughter be caught in this." Yoongi clenched his fists. Fine then, if Hayoon wouldn't give him you freely, he would have to threaten him.

"I heard about your company... and I must say... it is doing very well..." Yoongi leaned back into the couch as his shoulder relaxed. He was sure that after this, Hayoon would give you to him.

"But... what would happen if it suddenly went... bankrupt...?" Hayoon's eyes widened.

"No, you wouldn't do such a thing!" Yoongi laughed and shook his head.

"I could, and I will if you don't let me marry Y/n." Haydon let out a sigh and closed his eyes. He didn't want to give you away, but he had no choice. He had worked so hard to build his company from the ground up. He couldn't lose it because Yoongi decided to make his company go bankrupt.

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