Chapter Fifty Five

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Play the song up there ^ :)))

Your breath hitched as you looked at the man who stood a few yards away from you. He stood there and looked at you dead in the eyes. His face and eyes are emotionless. He walked up to you while you walked down the few stairs from the house and stood on the pavement sidewalk.

"You're really a cruel person, Kim Y/n." His eyes softened as soon as he looked down at you. The truth was, Yoongi had heard your conversation with the boys in the living room and had heard your conversation with Jin in his room. He had hoped that you would come to talk to him, but knowing you, he knew that you would rather leave him hanging than to come to speak to him.

That is why he had walked out of his room and stood outside for the past twenty minutes waiting for you to come out. He wasn't mad that you decided not to talk to him. No. He was hurt.

"I get it that I hurt you in the past. I get it that you hate me now. But don't you think that I have a right to know the truth? Don't you think it would have been better to tell me in person rather than let me hear it from the other guys?" You gulped and looked down at your feet. You weren't expecting him to be outside waiting for you like this. But, now that he stood in front of you demanding answers, you weren't sure of what to say.

"I'm leaving for the states tomorrow. Jungwon has decided to live here with you, so I hope you take care of our son." It would be a lie if Yoongi said his heart didn't flutter a little when you said 'our son.' Never once had you said that.

Silence fell between you both as the both of you looked at each other in the eyes. You wanted to look away, but his eyes held you captive. Those eyes you always loved, the eyes you always will love looking into.

It was when you realized that you had to go, it wasn't because it had started to drizzle rain. No, you had to go because if you didn't leave at this moment, you would never be able to leave.

"You're leaving me? Even after all the things I have told you in the past few months? Why can't you understand? I. LOVE. YOU. KIM. Y/N!" Thunder roared as the sky turned dark and grey as the rain came pouring down, drenching you both, but it didn't seem to matter if you both were in the rain getting soaked.

"I get it that I was an asshole to you in the past. I get it that I hurt you. But will you not give me ONE chance to work things out? You gave Jungkook a chance, so why can't you do the same to me?" He took a step closer to you. His hands were cupping your face in his hands as he looked down at you in the eyes.

"I've already lost you once due to my stupidity. Please don't have me lose you again." Before you could react or say anything, he had wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him. He hugged you tightly in his arms, not wanting to let you go. He didn't want to lose you. No, he couldn't lose you.

Your heart was beating hard against your chest as you had the side of your face against his chest. You could hear his heart beating clearly, even though it was pouring rain. You could hear his heart beating fast and loud.

He was scared to lose you, and he knew that if he lost you this time if he let you walk away this time. Then it would be the last time he ever saw you again. You wanted to stay like this in his embrace, but you couldn't. Mustering up all the strength in you, you pushed him away from you and shouted,

"WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER!" He looked at you, completely taken aback by your yelling and you pushing him away.

"And why can't we?" He calmly asks.

"Do you seriously think that we can be together after all you've done to me, Yoongi?! I gave you my heart! I loved you so damn much, but you only used that to your advantage!" Tears began to well up in your eyes as you grew more and more emotional.

"Do you think that I can just forget about the past?! I can't be with you anymore! Even if we are together, it will never work out! Because I will always hate you for all, you've done to me!" Each word you spoke felt like a knife stabbing into Yoongi's heart. He knew what you were saying wasn't true. No. He knew that you loved him. He could see it.

"Will you stop pushing me away!? You need me just as much as I need you!"

"I don't need you! I've survived the past five years without you! I've raised our son ALL BY MYSELF! When I needed you, WHERE WERE YOU!?" You began to fume in anger from all this bullshit that he was throwing at you.

"YOU were the one that LEFT. I told you that you could LEAVE when you were ready, but YOU left right after signing the divorce papers, and don't you DARE blame me for not being there for YOU when you were pregnant. YOU were the one that didn't tell me or anyone in fact about your pregnancy!" You looked at him in disbelief.

"You were the one that kicked me out! You wanted me gone! So what was the point of staying there any longer?! And don't you dare blame me for not telling you about my pregnancy. MUST I REMIND YOU WHAT HAPPENED THE FIRST TIME I GOT PREGNANT?!?" Your chest heaved up and down. It was like the longer you stared at that man, the angrier you got, and it was a clear sign to you that the both of you just weren't meant to be.

What was the point of being together when you couldn't even understand each other?

"I love you, Y/n! Isn't that enough to make you stay...?" The tears that had been welling up in your eyes had finally fallen free as your heart began to ache painfully. You were thankful that it was raining. He wouldn't be able to tell that you were crying.

"Love? I loved you too, Yoongi, but was that enough for you to stop hurting me?" He could tell by the way your voice cracked and the way your lips trembled; you were crying. He cupped your face in his hands again and softly spoken.

"Please give me a chance to love you; I'll make it up to you. I'll never hurt you again. Please just give me a chance to love you and make things right. I can't live without you." You pushed his hands away and took a step back. You looked at him with your tear-filled eyes and shook your head.

"Things were over between us the day you broke my heart. Things were over between us the day you laid your hands on me." You stepped to the side and began to walk away. Once your backs were facing each other, you stopped and said,

"Goodbye, Yoongi." And without looking back, you walked away from him and got into your car before driving off into the rainy night.

Even after you had driven off, Yoongi stayed there glued to his spot. He couldn't move as he was processing everything that had just happened. His heart ached painfully, even more painful than the past. He felt like crying, like yelling his lungs out.

He was angry, but not at you for leaving him. Instead, he was mad at himself, mad that he had hurt an angel like you, mad that he had let you get away, mad that he didn't realize his love for you sooner.

Maybe, just maybe, if he had realized it sooner, then you would still be by his side living a happy life. Perhaps if he hadn't found out that you were the adoptive daughter of Hayoon, he would have never hurt you, and instead of hurting you, he would have loved you.

But now he couldn't love you anymore. You had slipped through his fingers. He had lost you completely. He had pushed you beyond the point of no return.

Like a zombie, he stomped his way into the house. He loudly opened the door and walked in, not giving a damn that he had startled all the boys that were sitting in the living room watching a movie, nor did he give a damn that he was drenched in the rain. Nothing mattered if he didn't have you in his life.

He died the moment you walked away from him. His soul left his body the moment you walked away from him without turning back to look at him.

I live because I can't die...


A/n: Did you guys catch the so far away reference? :)))) 

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