Chapter Two

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It had been roughly about one month and a half since you met Yoongi. You got to know him a bit better, but something's still left you confused. He still hasn't told you the one he's seeing's name. It's not like you care, but you have started to think about what your mother and Mrs. Khang said, "he's just using that as an excuse to come see you!" He became a regular customer coming to the shop two times a week, and whenever we didn't see each other, he would text you.

Something else that confused you was that he always said he had work but was never specific on what kind of 'work' he does. As you were making a bouquet, you found yourself singing along with the song playing in the shop.

You sang and continued arranging the flowers, the song slowly ended, and you smiled at the finished bouquet of lilies.

"Wow... you have a nice voice." A voice said behind you, startling you. You turned around.

"Oh my gosh, Yoongi! You need to stop scaring me like that!" You said with your hand over your heart. He laughed. 

"Sorry, it's a habit.." You walked up to him, letting out a sigh. 

"It's okay."

"You have a really nice voice, though." He again complimented you, causing you to look down, embarrassed. You never liked your singing voice, so you never let anyone hear you sing except for your Eomma, Appa, and Mrs. Khang.

"Thanks... I think I'm average." He sighed and ruffled your hair.

"Oh, stop it you! Stop belittling yourself! You have an amazing voice." You looked up at him and shyly smiled. 

"Thanks, Yoongi. What can I get for you today?" He leaned forward on the counter and looked at you. His eyes on you, it almost felt like his eyes were staring through your soul. 

"I don't want flowers today..." You furrowed your brows. If he didn't want flowers, then why was he here?

"I'm here... because I want to hang out with you today.." Your mouth hung open, hearing what he just said. Talking to Yoongi, you've learned how straightforward he could be, but you never thought he would be so blunt and direct about this. 

"I'm sorry... what did you say?" He nervously scratched the back of his head. 

"Never mind, I knew it was a bad idea asking. I'll get going now." He was about to turn around and leave. 

"Wait! Yoongi! I would love to hang out with you, but I need to attend the shop today... I have a list of orders. If you don't mind, you could help me out around the shop." He turned around and smiled.

"Really? You would let me stay by your side?" Err... the way he said that threw you even more off

"Yeah, I'm sorry we can't go out like you wanted to." He was about to speak when his phone ringing cut him off. He apologized and answered. 

"Hello...? Ahh, I see... okay, I'll be there in a bit." He hung up and looked at you with an apologetic face. 

"I'm sorry, Y/n, I really was looking forward to staying with you today, but work called in, and it's an emergency." Work... maybe you could ask him what work was to him?

"Oh, it's okay, Yoongi. We can hang out another time." He smiled and said goodbye before hurriedly leaving the shop. Once he was gone, you slapped yourself on the forehead.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now