Chapter Three

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You laid in bed, it was late, but you were wide awake thinking back to the conversation with Yoongi back at the shop.


"Don't cry anymore. I don't ever want to see you cry again. Tears don't match you. A smile does." He booped your nose. You looked down and smiled shyly. Then, you suddenly looked up at him, confused.

"So... what are we now...?" He smiled, looking at you lovingly. Your heart thumped against your ribcage, seeing him look at you with so much love as if you were the most precious jewel in the world.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?" You returned his smile and nodded.

"I'll be your girlfriend, Yoongi." He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hug.

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

-End of flashback-

You stared up at your ceiling, smiling like an idiot. So you and Yoongi were now dating. It couldn't be any better.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

The following day you woke up feeling energized, although you only got about five hours of sleep. You reached for your phone resting on the bedside table and checked your notifications. You immediately smiled when you saw Yoongi had texted you.

Yoongi: Good morning, beautiful.

Y/n: Good morning Yoongi (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Yoongi: Did my baby sleep well?

Your cheeks flushed red seeing him call you baby.

Y/n: I slept well, what about you?

Yoongi: I couldn't sleep.

Y/n: Why?

Yoongi: Because you were on my mind all night.

You chucked your phone across the room before squirming around in bed before burying your head in your pillow, letting out a scream. God Yoongi loves to flirt and say things that make your heart flutter so much.

"Miss Y/n, are you alright?" You looked up from your pillow and saw Mrs. Khang standing at your door. You got up and fixed your bed hair before smiling brightly.

"Good morning Mrs. Khang! I am wonderful!" You enthusiastically got out of your bed, and before walking to your bathroom, you grabbed your phone and replied to Yoongi.

Y/n: Stop saying cheesy things.

Yoongi: It made your heart flutter, though, didn't it?

Y/n: No, it didn't ಠ_ಠ

You did your morning routine before walking to your closet. You decided to wear; light blue jean shorts, a black crop top, and a black and white flannel on top. You chose to leave your hair down. You checked your phone and saw Yoongi had texted you.

Yoongi: I have a few things to do, but I'll stop by the shop later.

Y/n: Okay!

You slipped the phone into your back pocket, grabbing your purse, and walked out of your room with a smile on your face.

You walked into the kitchen where your mom and Mrs. Khang were standing and talking.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now