Chapter Nineteen

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Peaks of sunshine shined into the room. You laid in the hospital bed with wires connected to you. Your faint breathing and the beeping of the machines reassured the three males in your room that you were alive and well.

Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung sat in different places in the room, all who had fallen asleep looking after you. When the doctor's announced that you were going to be okay, Yoongi was about to see you, but everyone had stopped him saying you wouldn't want to see him.

Not after everything he's done.

Hoseok and Namjoon took Jungkook and Yoongi home, leaving the rest to stay the night in the hospital. A quiet groan escaped your lips as you started to stir awake.

You felt your body in immense pain, your head pounding. Everything and everywhere hurt. But you were dead, weren't you? Was this what death felt like?

Taehyung, who had fallen asleep sitting in the chair next to the bed, heard you and slowly woke up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looked at you, who was stirring awake. He gently grabbed your hand and caressed it with his thumb.

"Hey there..." He quietly greeted you as your eyes fully opened and you looked at him.

You were confused, though. You were dead, so why was he here...? You glanced around the room and saw Jin and Jimin sleeping on the couch. You sighed and squeezed Taehyung's hand with the strength you had left when the realization hit you.

You weren't dead...

Jin and Jimin, who were light sleepers, heard the commotion and slowly woke up to see you awake, and Taehyung was holding your hand. They both walked up to your bedside, Jin's hand finding yours.

"Are... Are you okay...? Do you need anything?" Were you okay? You thought you had died, you thought you had escaped from this dreadful life, but fate had other plans and brought you back to life. You could hear fate laughing right now, was your suffering so funny...?

"W-... why did you save me...?" You managed to ask, your voice coming out hoarse. Your throat hurt from how dry it was. Tears welled up in your eyes. Why did they have to save you? Why couldn't they just let you die?

"Y/n..." Jimin softly called your name, your attention now on him.

"I... I get that things are hard right now... but you should-'' Tears fell from your eyes.

"T-Things... things are hard...?" The room fell silent as you spoke. Were things hard for you? No, that's not what it is, not what it was.

" life... is hell... because of one man..." Your breathing became unstable as you continued to cry.

"I-m getting tortured... I'm getting used... abused... for something I didn't even do!" The three males all lowered their heads, knowing that you were right.

"The first and only man that I fell in love with broke my heart! So what's the point of living now?!"

"Don't you dare tell me that everything will get better!" You were tired of hearing them tell you everything would be alright. It has been two months since your life became hell, and you're tired of it.

"Why did you have to save me?! Why didn't you just let me die...?" Finally, the room fell silent, and your sobbing was the only thing heard in the room.

The three males were ashamed because they knew you were right, but they couldn't lose you like that. In their eyes, you were the strongest woman they have ever met. If it was someone else, they were sure they wouldn't have been able to stand a week with what you had to go through.

But you were able to withstand it for two months...

You continued to cry your heart out. You were pissed off at fate for doing this to you.

But what you all didn't know... was that someone was standing at the door, hearing all of this.

Yoongi stood by the door... with a bouquet in his hand as he listened to you cry. His head was down as guilt began to settle in his heart.

He had broken you... that was what he wanted...

But why wasn't he satisfied...?

Instead of being satisfied...

Why did it hurt him instead...? 


A/n: Why... why do you think it hurts Yoongi...? 

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