Chapter Thirty

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It was already dark outside by the time Jungwon got discharged from the hospital. The doctors wanted him to stay for the treatment, but they wanted money that you didn't have enough of.

As Taehyung pulled out of the parking lot to drop you and Jungwon back home. A car sat in the parking lot, a man sitting in the car observing everything that had happened in the past few hours.

"Boss, Y/n, and the child were at the hospital. Kim Taehyung was there too. The child should be Min Yoongi's."

"Good job. I'll make sure you are paid double."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Taehyung pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building. You were about to get out of the car when you froze, seeing the person that was standing in front of the vehicle.

"I'll take Jungwon inside." You handed Jungwon's sleeping form over to Taehyung. They both got out of the car before the person walked over and sat in the driver's seat. The car fell silent as you looked away from him.

"Let me just ask, why are you doing this? You should understand Yoongi Hyung's temper. If you keep going on like this, I don't know what else he will do. Doesn't he just want the child? Just give him the child. He's rich anyway. Let him spend money raising the child. Save you the trouble." Your hands clenched around the handle of your purse. There was no way you would give your child to Yoongi.

"I will not let Jungwon leave me. I'm not stupid; I know what you guys do for a living. He would be safer being with me than being with you guys, a bunch of mafia members." He chuckled before running a hand through his hair. You gulped as you grew nervous. It had been the first time you saw any of them since you left without saying goodbye... and you were sure that they hated you.

"Can you raise Jungwon? You're cleaning bathrooms at a newspaper company. Don't you need money to eat? What about rent?" You looked at him, throwing daggers his way. You didn't hate him because you knew he was right, but it was the fact that he was able to read you like an open book.

"I'm his mother." He laughed and leaned back in his chair.

"I don't know what you're thinking. Divorcing my Hyung but still kept the child? Do you think this is a movie? Just look at yourself, look at Jungwon. I heard from the neighbors that you lock Jungwon inside the house! Now he scalded his hand! Please, just make this easy for everyone." Tears filled your eyes as you bit down on your lip to prevent yourself from bursting into tears. He took his wallet out and handed you a credit card.

"It's torture for him to be with you, but he just wants Jungwon back. Take this money." He handed you the credit card.

"This isn't Yoongi Hyung's card. It's my savings. Tomorrow I'll come to pick up Jungwon." You pushed his card away.

"I don't want your money."

"Then what do you want? What are you thinking? You, out of everyone, should know what he is capable of." Tears rolled down your cheeks as you thought about the countless times Yoongi had used you and beat your body until it became a graveyard of bruises.

"I'm not afraid of anything. I just want Jungwon." Your son had become your life, and you didn't know what you would do if you lost him.

"Can you stop being a saint?" When you didn't answer, he continued.

"Fine then, if you don't want the money, then tomorrow our men will come and take Jungwon. Are you not afraid of death? Fine. But what happens if Jungwon dies? He's your child! Wouldn't you want the best for him!?" You took a deep breath in, trying to calm your breathing before speaking in your strongest voice.

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