Chapter Twenty One

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Warning! There will be sexual scenes in this chapter if you are not comfortable with it I will let you know when the scene starts and ends with "!!!"

He stood in the doorway, his black curly bangs covering his eyes as he breathed heavily. His eyes held something that you can't quite decipher. His pale skin making you think about how Jimin and Taehyung joked about how Hoseok could start a business selling the oil from his face. His black sweatpants were sagging, and the black shirt was a bit too big for him, exposing his collarbone and a part of his shoulder blade.

It was when you started to wonder, what exactly was he doing here? Suddenly barging into your room late at night. Was it time again? Time to go back to the routine that had become normal in your life?

He took one step forward and then another until he was standing right in front of you, towering over you. That was when you smelled it, the alcohol. He had been drinking, and you were sure that he was drunk. He saw this and smiled, his gums showing. His smile was one of your favorites, maybe because it made him look like a cute innocent man and not a scary mafia gang leader who was out to seek revenge for his dead sister.

"I'm... not drunk..." The unpleasant smell of whiskey entered your nostrils as he spoke, causing you to take a step back.

You never were a fan of drinking. While your friends went out to party and drink, you stayed home cozied up in your bed. You found downing toxic addicting liquid was a waste of time and didn't find any "fun" in drinking.

"Yes, you are. You can barely stand." He laughed, a hiccup interrupting him mid-laugh.

"I'm drunk, you say...?" His eyes that were hidden behind his bangs darkened.

"If I was drunk, would I be able to do this then?" In a sudden motion, your back was pressed against the wall as he stood in front of you. Pushing his body onto yours while your faces were mere centimeters apart.

Your breath hitched as you realized how close the both of you were. You should've pushed him away, but instead, you just froze.

"If I was drunk... would I be able to do this...?" He slammed his lips onto yours, kissing you roughly in the way that you didn't like. Were you right? Was it going to happen again? You knew it was only a matter of time until he came back and resumed his... torturing...

You brought your hands up and placed them on his chest, ready to push him away when he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head on the wall.

His lips devoured yours as you struggled to push him away. You didn't want this, you never were ready, and you never liked it.

"Stop moving." He whispered, his lips parting from yours.

"Y-Y-Yoongi... please don't..." You begged out of breath. He smiled, dropped your hands, and brought his right hand to caress your cheek.

"Don't worry...I won't hurt you..." He leaned in again, capturing your lips with his. You had expected a rough needy kiss... but it was different... it was soft... and gentle... and shamefully enough, you melted into the kiss, allowing him to slip his tongue inside.

You knew that you and he would regret this in the morning. You would regret letting your foolish heart and feelings let the man you love use you once again. He would wake up and be back to his cold and distant self; you knew it all too well. It was the alcohol that was intoxicating his system that was making him act the way he was.

But would you allow him to take advantage of you again...?

He suddenly grabbed you by the arms and pushed you onto your bed. Your back was flat against the mattress as he slowly climbed on, hovering above you. He started leaving open-mouth kisses from your jawline trailing down to your neck.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now