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Tic, tic, tic, tic

It was a beautiful sunny day. Jungwon and his uncles were outside playing around the pool while you were stuck inside listening to the annoying noise coming from the clock. You let out an annoyed sigh and caressed your nine month old baby bump.

You wanted to be outside with everyone, but due to you nearing your due date and Yoongi's overprotective husband instinct you were forced to stay inside all day and literally all the boys and Dohee did not let you do anything at all.

They wouldn't even let you simply get a glass of water because you quote on quote "will hurt yourself." I mean come on, how the hell can you get hurt from getting a glass of water?

Talking about Dohee, a few months after the wedding Jin had finally decided to tie the knot and propose to Dohee. When the news reached you, you couldn't be any happier. Soon enough the both of them got married and yes, we were all still waiting to hear good news from the both of them.

Ahnjong and Jungkook were still taking things slow and still trying to figure everything out since they were a long distance couple. You were rooting for them every single day though, you could even say that you were their very own personal cheerleader :)

You looked down at your baby bump and smiled. You and Yoongi were expecting a baby boy, you didn't mind having another baby boy, but you had hoped for a baby girl. Yoongi on the other hand was overjoyed that he was going to have two sons since he and I quote, "Will teach them how to beat people's asses if anyone ever dares to hurts their future younger sister."

He was crazy though, wanting another child when you were still carrying one in your stomach. Oh how you wished men would know how painful it is to deliver a baby. A child is a blessing in every parent's life, but women have to carry their baby in their wombs for nine months before having to push them out with all their strengths.

You low-key wished that Yoongi would get pregnant and give birth just so he can feel how PAINFUL it is.

You slowly stood up from the couch so that you could get a glass of water when you suddenly felt pain coming from your stomach, causing you to hiss and hold your stomach protectively. You soon felt liquid trickling down your legs, you slowly looked down and immediately almost started to panic.

Your water had broke...

You took deep breaths in to try and calm yourself down so that you wouldn't go into a panic attack and start hyperventilating. You looked outside at the boys who were still playing and shouted,

"YOONGI!" You shouted, but he didn't hear you.

"MIN FUCKING YOONGI IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Hoseok who had walked past the door heard you yelling, so he immediately walked inside and walked over to you.

"Are you okay, Y/n? Is something wrong?"

"Get Yoongi, my water broke." His eyes widened in shock before he ran outside to the others.

Yoongi and Jin who were sitting on beach chairs and talking about random, completely oblivious of what was going on was interrupted when Hoseok came running to them. Both of the men confused, sat up from their chairs and looked at Hoseok who was out of breath.

"What is it, Hoseok?" Jin asked the youngest.

"Y-Y/n!" At the mention of your name, Yoongi stood up and took his sunglasses off and walked over to his brother.

"What about Y/n?"

"HER WATER BROKE!" Hoseok yelled out in one big breath. Everyone who was playing in the pool suddenly stopped because they heard what Hoseok said too. Yoongi just stared looking at his brother confused as he tried to process what he was just told.

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