Chapter Nine

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The sun shined in your face through the curtains. You slowly woke up and glanced to the side to see that Yoongi was asleep, and he happened to be fully dressed. You pulled the duvet with you, wrapping it around your body as you slowly got up from bed. You wince as your pain is immersed throughout your body, soreness coming from in between your legs, your legs trembling uncontrollably. You picked up your clothes that were scattered and the room and looked back at the bed to see a red stain on the sheets, proof of your lost innocence.

You limped your way to the walk-in bathroom and locked the door behind you. You got into the shower and let the warm water flow down your body, relieving your sore and tensed muscles. You lowered your head as you let the water flow over you, tears welled up in your eyes as you thought of last night's events, did your father give away to save himself and his company? Did your mother know about this? How were you going to escape? You were now legally bound to Yoongi, and you were sure even if you asked for a divorce, he wouldn't let you off so quickly.

I mean, you were here to "pay for what your father did to my sister." But why did you have to be caught in this? Yes, your father murdered someone, which made you upset and disappointed in him, but why did you have to pay for something you didn't even do...?

You should've trusted your gut when Yoongi had asked to marry you so suddenly and was rushing the wedding to happen. I mean, sure, you two had been dating for a few months, but between those few months, you two never talked about getting married or even settling down to have a family yet.

You promised to yourself that no matter what Yoongi did to you, no matter what he says to you, you will not break and stay strong until the day you are set free. You got out of the shower and looked at yourself in the mirror, and let out a gasp as you saw purple hickeys covering your neck and collar bones.

You quickly got dressed before getting out of the bathroom and walking back into the room. You were expecting that Yoongi would still be asleep but oh, how wrong you were. When you looked, he was up and sitting against the headboard of the bed, looking down at his phone. Not wanting to talk nor stay in the same room as him, you walked over to the door only to be stopped by his words.

"How are you feeling?" As you heard his tone of voice, you bet he was smirking. You rolled your eyes. How were you feeling? Hurt, tired, used, done with life, that's how you felt. He was a mafia boss, but right now, you didn't give a damn. He had ruined your life.

"How do you think I feel?" You shot back at him, your back still facing him. He laughed, and you heard him shuffling in the bed.

"I'm sorry... I went too rough on you." You let out a sigh and grabbed the handle of the door.

"You may have gotten my body, but remember one thing. You will never get my heart." This time he laughed even louder.

"Oh baby, don't kid yourself. I got your heart way before I got your body." Your hands clenched into fists. You opened the door and slammed the door shut behind you before you made your way down to the kitchen. Of course, you were dumb enough. He had not only taken your body but your heart. It hurt that you were played by him, the first person you ever loved. You tried your best not to show it, though. You won't allow him to see your hurt because that will only give him the satisfaction that he was looking for in the first place.

Walking into the kitchen, you were surprised to see Jin standing behind the stove cooking. Ignoring him, you walked to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. You knew Jin and the other boys did nothing wrong, but you just couldn't help but feel hatred and anger towards them, too, if you guessed they probably knew about Yoongi playing you this whole time.

Just as you were about to leave the kitchen, you halted your steps when Jin called after you.

"Y/n ah..." You stood there silently with your back facing him as you waited for him to continue.

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