Chapter Thirty Six

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Yoongi sped down the road as his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping onto the steering wheel. The image of you crying imprinted in his face, the way you begged and cried hysterically broke him inside.

It was when he realized that he had to step up and be the father and the husband you had wanted him to be. He was going to get Jingwon back as promised and takedown Junsoo. How dare he take his son and use him to threaten Yoongi.

Once he arrived at the given address, he noticed that it was a warehouse. Not giving a damn, he drove right into the warehouse and parked right in front of Junsoo and his men. He got out of the car and slammed the door shut, walking his way up to Junsoo, who stood there cockily.

Yoongi grabbed one of the chairs and turned it to face them before sitting in it. He stared at Junsoo, his lips thinned into a line and his face void of any emotions.

"Long time no see Min Yoongi." Junsoo greeted.

"Why are you looking for me?" Yoongi calmly asked.

"It's not a big deal." He balled into fists as it became very tempting to throw a punch in Junsoo's face, but for this to work. He had to stay calm.

"If it's not a big deal, then why did you make me come here? Got nothing else better to do?" He got up from the chair and was about to walk away when,

"MIN YOONGI!" Junsoo's angry voice echoed throughout the warehouse. Yoongi turned back around and faced Junsoo.

"Jungsoo, are you perhaps an idiot? Putting up this strong facade, thinking that you're so powerful. When in reality you're not, you're just a low-life, no good mafia leader. Now you've even done something low as kidnapped my son." Junsoo's chest heaved up and down as his hands balled up into fists.

"What are you trying to brag about? Aren't we just negotiating? Okay, I'm here now. So just say whatever bullshit you need to say."

"MIN YOONGI! I'm telling you, don't be so arrogant! If I have the guts to kidnap your son, then I can kill him too!" Yoongi smirked, seeing Junsoo go into a fit like a small child who can't get what they want. This was what Yoongi wanted, to get under Junsoo's skin.

"AhJun!" One of his men walked up to Yoongi and handed a folder to him. But he just continued to stare at Junsoo. Junsoo got even angrier and grabbed the folder from his men's hand and put it in front of Yoongi's face.

"Sign the contract!" When Yoongi didn't say anything, Junsoo said,

"Bring him out!" One of the men got into a forklift and drove it out for Yoongi to see Jungwon's tear-stained cheeks and him tied up to the forklift before driving away.

"You better sign it." He turned his head back to Junsoo. He sighed and grabbed the folder, placing it onto one of the wooden crates, and opened it up to the contract. He held his hand out for a pen which Junsoo handed to him excitedly.

Yoongi's hand hovered above the contract. Junsoo smiled victoriously, thinking that he had now finally gained the Bangtan Mafia, but that smile was suddenly wiped off as he yelled in pain.

Yoongi had stabbed the pen into his hand, penetrating through his hand and into the wooden crate. He whimpered in pain, but Yoongi only stared at him uninterested. He pulled the pen out of Junsoo's hand, which caused him to yell out in pain.

"Min Yoongi! What do you want!" One of Junsoo's men asked. Yoongi grabbed Junsoo by the collar of his shirt and pushed him to the direction where Jungwon was being held captive.

Junsoo's men armed themselves with wooden sticks, all hesitating to attack Yoongi for their boss was held captive.

Two cars pulled up in front of the warehouse. You quickly opened the door and ran into the warehouse.

"Y/N!" Ahnjong yelled and was about to chase after you when Jimin pushed her back.

"You can't go in. it's too dangerous." She pushed him back.

"That's bullshit!" Jungkook and Hoseok walked to the trunk of the car and pulled out duffle bags.

"Jimin heads up!" Hoseok threw him an assault rifle which he skillfully caught. The boys all armed themselves before huddling up in a circle.

"What's the plan, Taehyung?" They all looked at Taehyung, who was Yoongi's second-in-command.

"Once we get inside, Jimin, your priority will be to look for Jungwon and bring him out here. After that, me, Namjoon, and Hoseok will go through the front. Jungkook and Jin will go through the back. After that, our priority will be getting Yoongi and Y/n out of there. Right now, I know Yoongi is stalling them, waiting for us to storm in." Everyone nodded their heads, understanding their roles, but there was one person who wasn't having it.

"And what about me?" They all turned their heads to the annoying Ahnjong.

"You are staying out here," Taehyung ordered. Ahnjong scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Like hell, I am staying out here!" Everyone groaned at Ahnjong's stubborn self, and they knew that they were all running out of time but here Ahnjong was a pain in the ass.

"If you want to go, then you're with me, but you stay close to me. Do you understand?" She excitedly nodded her head at Jimin.

"Alright, let's get this show going." But before they could all disperse and get into their positions, Namjoon spoke up,

"Before we go in if things do not go as planned, don't worry." Everyone but Namjoon and Jin furrowed their brows confused. Jin and Namjoon both looked at each other and nodded.

"We have reinforcements on the way."


Your chest heaved up and down as you ran around the warehouse looking for Jungwon. You knew that you were running into the lion's den unarmed, but you didn't care about that. You had to get Jungwon.

Your running suddenly came to a halt when you saw Yoongi holding who you assumed to be Junsoo by the collar of his shirt.

"YOONGI!" You yelled his name, catching all of their attention. This may have been stupid for you to do because as soon as Junsoo's men set their eyes on you, they all ran up to you and grabbed you by the arms. And there you found captive with a knife held up against your throat.

"Min Yoongi, let go of our boss." AhJun held the knife up against your throat. You looked at Yoongi in the eyes and shook your head, trying to tell him that you were fine and not worry about you and get Jungwon out first.

When Ah Jun saw that Yoongi wasn't going to let go of his boss anytime. He threw a hard punch to your stomach, causing you to fall in pain. He fisted your hair in his hand and pulled your head back, exposing your neck and pressing the knife back to your neck. It's cold metal digging into your skin, drops of blood dripping down, getting onto your clothes.

Having no choice and not stand seeing you hurt, Yoongi let go of Junsoo and pushed him away. Immediately Junsoo's men circled Yoongi and pushed him onto the ground, kicking and beating him. You closed your eyes, knowing that if the boys didn't hurry up, you and Yoongi, along with Jungwon, would die.

What everyone, including you and Yoongi, didn't know was that the boys had already gotten into the building and hid in the shadows, waiting for the time to retrieve you and Yoongi.

Ahnjong hid behind Jimin as he had told her to as they both crept around the warehouse trying to find Jungwon. And when they found Jungwon tied up to the forklift with two men guarding him, Jimin dropped the gun strapped around his torso and quietly ran behind one of them and wrapped his arm around their neck, holding them into a chokehold.

Once the man was knocked out, Jimin ran up to the second man that sat in the forklift and kicked him in the head, instantly knocking him out.

Once the coast was clear, Ahnjong ran to Jungwon and quickly untied him.

"Come down, buddy." She whispered to him, he walked up to her, and she lifted him in her arms.

"Do you have him?" Jimin asked, looking around for any potential threat.

"Yeah, let's go!" 

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