Chapter Five

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"I got into a mafia fight... because... I'm a mafia leader..."

You stared at him in shock, your lips slightly parted as your mind processed what he had just told you. So your boyfriend, Yoongi, is a mafia leader...? Maybe he was lying, you thought to yourself, but yet somethings made sense, like how he would still be up when it's already past 2 am, how he was always secretive about him being a mafia, you've also noticed how wherever you two went out he was always cautious and constantly observing the area.

"P-P... please tell me you're lying to me..." Your voice came out barely above a whisper. He turned away from you and looked out at the city.

"Unfortunately, I'm not lying to you, Y/n. I am the leader of Bangtan. Maybe you've heard about them on the news." Your mind thinks back to a few months ago when your father watched the news; you heard the news reporter talk about how Bangtan had stolen money from a politician. Still, though the public eye saw him as a savior, you knew he was dirty, and how the leader was still unknown to the public... you felt your heart drop when the realization hit you like a ton of bricks.

"I understand if you want to end things here. I don't know what I was thinking, thinking that I would be able to lead a normal life and have a normal relationship." That's when you snapped out of your thoughts; you didn't care if he was a mafia sure, maybe he did kill people, but you're sure he wouldn't just kill people because they pissed him off like those typical mafia fanfictions. So without thinking, you got onto Yoongi's lap, your legs cradling him. You looked into his eyes and saw shock.

"Y-Y-Y/n, what are you doing?" You wrapped your arms around his neck before pulling him into a kiss. You guys had finally had your first kiss. You felt him tense under you, feeling your lips on his, but he gradually calmed down and kissed you back. Both of your lips molded together perfectly. You soon pulled away for breath and rested your forehead against his.

"Does that answer your doubts?" You opened your eyes and looked into his and saw adoration and so much love. It didn't matter if he was a mafia, a wealthy CEO, or a poor person who lived on the street. You had fallen for him regardless.

"I don't care if you're a mafia, sure I don't like thinking about you putting your life on the line or harming others, but that's what you do for a living, and I can't change that." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your bodies closer together. He snuggled his head into the crook of your neck.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" You smiled and caressed his back.

"I should be the one asking you that." He pulled away and caressed your cheek.

"I love you, Y/n." You looked at him in shock. Sure, you two were dating and confessed that you liked each other, but you never said the L-word. Joy filled your heart as a big smile appeared on your face.

"I love you too, Yoongi." He smiled before leaning in and connecting our lips once again.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was getting late, and you should probably go home, but you didn't feel like going back home because you had found a new home with the man you loved. In his arms, you felt safe and felt like you could take on the world as long as you had him by your side.

"Y/n..." You hummed, your head leaning on his shoulder.

"I met your family today... and I was wondering if... you would like to meet mine too." You looked up at him, confused. Didn't he say he didn't have any more family members? And because he didn't have any more family members, he was the only candidate to run the mafia.

"What do you mean family... didn't you say...?" He smiled and nodded.

"I know I told you that I don't have any more family members, and that's true, but these are the people I consider my second family. Of course, we're not family by blood, but they are the ones I know that will always have my back." Your heart warmed as you listened to him tell you about his second family, the way his eyes twinkled, how big his smile became, and how his tone of a voice raised a pitch higher due to the excitement.

"Hmm... I should probably get you back home before your parents think I did something to you, huh...?" You giggled and held his hand.

"I honestly don't want to go back home. I could stay here all night with you." He kissed your forehead before standing up and helping you stand up as well.

"Come on, let's get you home."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Once Yoongi pulled into your driveway, you took off your seatbelt and got out of the car along with Yoongi. You walked over to him and stood in front of him while he leaned against his car. He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him.

"I'll miss you." You giggled and lightly smacked his chest.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Stop being so dramatic." The both of you giggled together. Then, he leaned in and pecked you on the lips.

"It's late. You should get going." He said, motioning his head to your house. You sighed and nodded.

"Make sure to text me when you get home, okay?" He held your hand in his.

"Alright." You smiled and walked away from him. Halfway to your door, he called your name, causing you to turn back to him.

"I love you~" Your cheeks flushed red.

"I love you too! Now get in your car and get going! Make sure to drive safely!" You walked up to your front door as he got into his car. You opened the door and walked in as he pulled out of the driveway and drove away. You closed the door, your back against the door as a big smile was plastered on your face. He loves you. He really does.

"Young lady, do you know what time it is now?" Your dad's loud voice brought you out of your thoughts. You looked and saw your dad standing in front of you with his hands on his hips. You gulped, taking your shoes off and walking up to your dad.

"Sorry, Appa..." He smiled and ruffled your hair.

"It's okay kiddo, what did he say or do that got you smiling so much?" You looked down and wrung your hands together as your cheeks grew hotter.

"He said he loved me, Appa..." You heard him let out a sigh causing you to lookup.

"Appa, I know I didn't tell you that I had a boyfriend, but please, I promise you he's a lovely guy." Your father smiled at you, but it seemed forced to you. You slowly started to wonder... was your dad shocked at meeting Yoongi because it was so sudden... or was it because he really didn't like Yoongi... Or worse...

He had already met Yoongi before this night...?


A/n: What do you think? Do you think Y/n's gut instinct is true? 

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