Chapter Twenty Two

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It had been a week since that weird moment with Yoongi. Since then, he has continued to be nice to me, taking care of me and such it didn't mean he stopped doing things, though. He still used my body whenever he wanted as he pleased. Although you hoped that he would stop, he didn't.

What is the point of having nice actions when he'll only use your body as he pleases at night?

One thing you noticed as well was Jungkook. You hadn't seen him much ever since you got discharged out of the hospital. You would see him in the kitchen while everyone is eating, but he would deliberately avoid you and walk out of the kitchen. It was odd, yes, but you would rather have him ignore and avoid you than have him make your life hell.

As dumb and stupid as it may sound, Yoongi's small gestures of whatever it was since it was not affection had started to get to you. On the contrary, it made you love him even more. Would this be like those cliche mafia fanfictions? Would you be like the main girl who stupidly still loves the main girl, after all he's ever done to her?

You guessed so.

Maybe you were seeing things, but now whenever you looked into his eyes, they held this softness and this emotion that you couldn't quite figure out what it was. He had started to act like your Yoongi, the one you had met at the flower shop and helped pick out flowers for him. Yoongi was kind and always smiled. His words were softer, his touch gentle. You liked this Yoongi because he was starting to be the Yoongi you had first met. But you wondered how long this would last...

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, and before you knew it, you had already spent half a year in that house. To put it simply- nothing much happened ever since you tried to kill yourself.

Jungkook hadn't tried to talk to you, and Yoongi had become a lot nicer to you, but it didn't change the fact that he still did things to you and your body. But you were sure that this was the calm before the storm.

It was around midnight, and you were sound asleep when you heard whispering and shuffling outside of your door. Confused, you sat up and bed before glancing over at the clock that sat on your bedside table.

"Why the heck are they up?" You asked yourself, confused. You laid back down and waited for them to leave, but irritation started growing when five... ten minutes passed, and they still hadn't gone away.

Just as you were about to sit up and give them a piece of your mind, the door swung open, and the lights switched on, momentarily blinding you. You heard party blowers going off and felt stuff being thrown on you rubbing your eyes. You opened them and looked around.

There you saw Hoseok, Jin, Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung standing around your bed wearing party hats and blowing the party blowers. First, you looked at Jimin and noticed the cake in his hand. Then, you looked at your bed and saw that what they had thrown at you was confetti.

"Umm... why are you guys in here...?" You asked, confused. They all look at you in disbelief.

"It's your birthday, silly!" Taehyung smiled brightly at you. What...? It was your birthday...? Already...? You had completely forgotten about your birthday.

"One! Two! Three!"

"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da! Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da! Sarang ha neun Y/n shi! saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!" Tears had started to form in your eyes as they sang you happy birthday. You had never expected them to do something like this for you. It was when you realized... in this place that felt like hell... these boys had become your family...

"Come on, blow out the candles!" Jimin gestured to the cake in his hand. You laughed and blew the candles out before a round of cheers and claps was heard around the room.

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