Chapter Fifty Seven

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Your heart was beating hard against your rib cage, your breathing accelerating as you ran through the airport to reach the exit. You had to get to Yoongi and tell him the truth. You just didn't know why but you had a gut feeling that something would happen, something horrible.

After running out of the airport, you got into a taxi and told the driver to go to Bangtan's house. You weren't sure if they were home or if they would even let you in because you left all of them, but at this moment, you needed to talk to Yoongi. You needed to confess to him.

You were done hiding and pretending that you didn't love him anymore.

Once you arrived in front of the house, you paid the driver and ran out of the car, running up the driveway and stopping in front of the door. You knocked on the door loudly and impatiently, you didn't see the cars in the driveway, but you prayed that Yoongi was inside.

Soon enough, a maid opens the door and asks,

"Oh! Ms. Kim! What are you going here?" Suddenly you heard running behind her before your legs were hugged. You looked down and saw your son hugging your legs.

"Momma! You came back!" You crouched down to meet his height and hugged him tightly.

"I'm back, baby, and I'm never going to leave you again." He wrapped his arms around your neck and buried his head into the crook of your neck. You stood up and looked at the maid.

"Where is Yoongi? Where is everyone?"

"Well... the young masters have all gone out for a mission..." You felt your heart drop. Hearing this only made the feeling in your gut grow worse. You prayed and hoped that this gut feeling was wrong, and you were just thinking too much.

They would be alright and come back home to you. Your brothers would come back safe and unharmed, while Yoongi would come back home and engulf you in his arms, which you missed so dearly.

"Please, Ms. Kim, come in. They won't be back for a while." You reluctantly nodded. That was what you were afraid of. What if they never came back? You shook the negative thoughts away and showered Jungwon with kisses as you missed him so much.

You were a bad mother. Just why would you think about leaving your child behind? All this time, ever since you and Jungwon stepped foot inside Bangtan's house, you have been doing nothing but neglecting him.

"Jungwon ah, mommy loves you so much, and she's sorry for not taking care of you enough." He looked up at you with his big doe eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Eomma, don't say that! You're my Eomma, and I love you too! You always take good care of me!" You smiled and kissed him on the forehead, so thankful to have a son like him. You glanced over at the clock and hoped that they would come back home soon.

You sang lullabies to Jungwon as he missed hearing you sing to him, but as you were singing, the pendant on your necklace suddenly fell off as an unsettling feeling seeped in. You had gone running through the airport, but your pendant didn't come off, so why did it suddenly come off when you were sitting there with Jungwon in your arms?

You shook your head, getting rid of these negative thoughts. Maybe it was Jungwon. Yeah, it was Jungwon. He had pulled on the pendant, and it fell off. Everything was okay.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was currently 11:35 at night. Jungwon had fallen asleep, but you were still up waiting for the boys to get back home. As more time passed by, you grew more anxious, you tried to ignore the feeling coming from your gut, but you knew you just knew that something had gone wrong.

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