Chapter Thirty Two

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It was late, and Jungwon had still not come home. You sat outside your door as you waited for him to come back home.

"Eomma!" You looked up and saw Jungwon running up to you, Yoongi trailing behind him. You stood up and pulled him into your embrace.

"Uncle took me out to go eat at a fancy restaurant and even gave me a new toy gun see!" He waved his new toy gun in your face, a content smile on his face. Jungwon ran back to Yoongi and played guns with him. Anger slowly boiled in your chest.

"Jungwon!" He stopped playing and ran back to you.

"Who said that you could go out with strangers!? Didn't Eomma tell you before you cannot speak to strangers? You just don't listen to your Eomma, do you!? If you don't treat me as your Eomma, why did you even come back!?" You pushed him. He stumbled on his feet but managed to stay standing. You grabbed his arm.

"You didn't listen to Eomma! You took things from him! You ate his food! You didn't listen to anything I said!" You smacked his arm as anger blinded your senses, but it wasn't until Yoongi came and grabbed you, pinning you against the wall.

"You dare hit my son?!" You pushed him back and slapped him, his head turning to the side.

"You didn't even want him in the first place! He isn't your son!" You yelled out as the memories of Yoongi telling you to abort your first baby resurfaced in your mind. His hand wrapped around your neck.

"He is my son. I don't want to repeat what I said. Do you hear me?" He roughly pushed you and walked away as tears cascaded down your cheeks. You slid down on the wall and buried your head in your knees as you cried.

"Eomma...?" Jungwon walked over to you and patted your head. Then, with your teary eyes, you looked up at him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, Jungwon ah... Eomma is a bad Eomma..."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was late, but you couldn't seem to fall asleep with so many things on your mind. You turned around and looked at Jungwon, who was sound asleep. You caressed his cheek and lightly booped his button nose...

"You look just like your father..." You smiled sadly as your mind wandered off to Yoongi. You had hoped that he changed, but he was still the same. He still had that killer look in his eyes, the look that tells you that he could kill you at any given moment. But what did you expect...? He was a mafia leader...

"You know Yoongi's temper. So it's best to give him back the child."

"It'll be better for you and the child."

"Look at your situation, look at Jungwon. It is practically torture for him to live with you."

"Eomma, I want to go to school like the other kids in the building."

Finally making your decision, you got up and grabbed your phone along with a card. Dialing the number, you brought the phone up and waited for the other line to pick up.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Jungwon ah, come here, let's get you dressed." He got on the bed and stood on it as you dressed him.

"Eomma, why am I dressed so nicely today?" You smiled and patted his head.

"Jungwon ah, why don't Eomma take you out to eat today?" He happily nodded.


You smiled as you watched Jungwon eat his chicken nuggets.

"Eomma, is this all for me?"

"Yes, it is, baby."He tilted his head to the side, confused.

"Why isn't Eomma eating with me?" You picked up a chicken nugget and fed him.

"Eomma isn't hungry." He continued eating as you became lost in thought.

"Jungwon ah... when you're finished eating... Eomma will take you to kindergarten, okay...?" He smiled brightly, his gummy smile... The gummy smile that you had once loved to see from his father...

"Really?! Did Eomma get paid?" You nodded your head as tears welled up in your eyes.

"Will there be a lot of kids there?" You nodded your head again as a lump formed in your throat.

"Eomma, why are you crying?" He asked, noticing the tear that had slipped down from your eyes. You quickly wiped the tear away and looked outside the window.

"Eomma isn't crying... dust just got in my eyes. Come one continue eating."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You stood next to the couch, staring down at Jungwon's sleeping figure.

"How much money do you want?" You looked up and scoffed.

"I don't want money. Not everything is about money, Yoongi." Yoongi stood by the window, taking a sip from his cup of whiskey.

"I just want you to treat him well..." You wrung your hands together, debating if you were making the right choice.

"He is my son!"

"Jungwon is afraid of the dark... If he is alone at night, make sure to turn on a light for him... He loves to eat meat... especially lean meat..."

"Enough!" Yoongi sat his glass down loudly, having enough of hearing you talk and teaching him how to take care of his son.

"Is there anything that I don't have here?!"

"Love... you didn't have love..."

You turned around and faced him. His back faced you as was facing the window, his head lowered.

"I-... I only need you to promise me one thing... never... tell Jungwon that you only married me for revenge..." He scoffed and turned around.

"He's my son. I'll teach him whatever I want to teach him!" Then, without thinking about it, you walked up to him and planted your lips on his. He roughly shoved you back as he looked at you, his chest heaving up and down.

He cupped your cheeks in his hands and pulled you in, connecting his lips with yours. As you felt his lips on yours, you felt a course of electricity flow throughout your body. It felt so good, yet it was so wrong.

It felt like the time before all of this, before he had ruined your life. When you were nothing but a flower shop owner, he was nothing but a person who had become a regular at your shop. It felt like the time when you first had your kiss with each other. Although your feelings for him were always real, you knew his feelings weren't.

But little did you know that he had fallen in love with you the first day he had met you...

But if he loved you... why did he do so many horrible things to you...?


A/n: This will be the last chapter I post for today, or maybe the last chapter I post until for a while. For a while? Why am I saying this? Well, I'm thinking about taking a break I'm not sure how long it will be maybe just for one day or for a week. As for the reason why I'm taking a break? Well... it's quite simple... my mental health has become worse in the past few days and I just want to get away from everything to clear my mind. I'll come back soon I may come back tmr if I feel better but until then please wait for me :)) And I'm really sorry to disappoint you... 

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now