Chapter Twenty Four

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"The divorce papers are on my desk in my office. When we get back, you can sign them and leave whenever you want."

You stared at him with your lips slightly parted. You felt your heart shattering, and it almost felt like the world around you was falling apart as well. Your heartbeat rang in your ears as you heard your breathing pick up the pace. Did you just hear him correctly...?

"W-W...what...?" He smiled, but that smile didn't necessarily reach his eyes.

"I filed for divorce. I'm letting you go." You should've felt happy hearing that. Freedom. That was what you had wanted the day you found out about his ill intention, after what he had done to you, but instead of feeling joy and happiness, why did it hurt inside? Instead, you felt like your heart would burst out of your chest as you felt your eyes water.

You nodded your head and took a deep breath in mustering up your courage to speak in the strongest voice possible.

"That's good." You faked a smile and continued eating, but you had completely lost your appetite by now.

You knew that something was coming your way. You just didn't expect it to be this... You had wanted to get away from him from the very first day... so why now when it was finally happening... you weren't happy... instead it hurts, it hurts your heart, it hurts to breathe everything hurts.

You continued to steady your breathing, trying your best to control your breathing because there was no way you would break down in tears in front of him. He had done it, though...

He had completely broken you...

The rest of the dinner went by quietly as you tried your best to handle your emotions. You had expected the walk back to be romantic with the way lit up with lights on the side, but it was nothing but romantic. With each step you took, you felt your heartbreak more, unlike when the both of you walked to the restaurant Yoongi walked ahead of you, leaving you behind, caring less if you were next to him or not.

When the two of you got back to the boys, they were all changed into different clothes. Everything was packed into the car, as some leaned against the car, sat inside the car or outside on the pavement.

"Oh! You guys are finally back!" Hoseok said as he saw you and Yoongi approaching them. They all had smiles on their faces... even Jungkook...

They all seemed like genuine smiles, and it made you wonder if they had any idea of what Yoongi had been planning... if you guessed... they probably didn't know at all...

"How was it?" Jin asked as you went to stand next to him. You faked a smile and said,

"It was nice." Before asking any more questions, Yoongi told everyone to get in the car and drove back home.

You sat in the front passenger seat, looking out of the window and up at the stars as your heart continued to clench painfully. You were finally leaving... but did you really want to go...?

You couldn't find any other reason for you to stay rather than the fact that you loved Yoongi. You didn't want to leave... but after tonight, it only confirmed that he never once loved you, and there was no reason for you to stay at the house anymore.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

By the time you guys reached the house, it was already late. Everyone went their separate ways, going into their rooms. Jin was about to ask you something when you completely ignored him, walking past him and up to Yoongi's office.

Jin looked at your retrieving figure, confused. He had noticed how silent you were on the ride back home. He was about to ask if you were okay when you just... walked away, ignoring him...

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now