Chapter Forty Five

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Once you were done feeding Jungwon, you brought him to his room to get dressed, unaware of the frowning man that sat at the head of the table. Yoongi had been watching you the whole time, and he saw how you fed Jungwon but never once did you feed yourself. He wondered why you didn't eat, maybe you weren't hungry? But he reminded himself about how skinny you had gotten over the years and how you got even more skinny while staying at the hospital.

After getting Jungwon dressed in blue overall with a black and white striped shirt, you also got yourself dressed. You wore; a light pink off-shoulder top, with a pair of light blue jeans with your curly hair down. Once you and Jungwon were dressed, you walked to the area near the front door and saw Jungkook, Hoseok, and Namjoon already dressed and waiting for the other boys to get down.

Jungwon left your side and ran to find Jimin, who had become his favorite uncle. The four of you stood there quietly. Namjoon was doing something on his phone while Hoseok did the same. Jungkook, on the other hand, just stood there staring off into space. You took in his outfit; he wore a grey hoodie and ripped blue jeans. It was a simple outfit, but he still looked good in it, and if you were to guess by seeing his right side bulge out, there was most likely a gun hidden there.

You and Jungkook had slowly started to talk to each other. However, it was kind of awkward since you didn't have much to say to the boy, and he was still very timid to talk to you, for he was still ashamed of the things he's done to you.

What you didn't know, though, was while you were staring at Jungkook, lost in thought, the three men also stared at you. Their eyes filled with worry as they saw your collar bones poking out and how small your waist had become. You always wore sweaters that were a size or two bigger than your normal.

They never saw your body, but now that they finally saw your body, they were concerned seeing how thin you were... five years ago, you were not this thin, but now you were almost down to the bone skinny, your face had grown paler over the years as well.

Like Yoongi, they also saw how you had fed Jungwon and never took a bite of food. Although you said you weren't hungry, they were worried that you were purposely starving yourself.

"Let's go." The four of you slightly jumped hearing Yoongi's voice. The four of you were so lost in thought that you didn't see the other four boys walk down to the waiting area. Everyone put their shoes on, walked out of the house, and got into the car as Jin drove everyone to the nearby mall.

Once you guys arrived at the mall, everyone got out of the car as Yoongi warned everyone to watch themselves for danger lurking around. You honestly did not know what you and Jungwon were doing here, the mall looked like it was a place for rich people, and you were anything but rich.

As soon as all of you stepped foot into the mall, the boys all went their separate ways leaving you, Jungwon... and of course Yoongi alone... you felt like the boys purposely did that, leaving the both of you alone trying to play cupid but you couldn't find it in you to love him anymore.

Your mother or the woman you had thought was your mother always taught you that you should forgive others even if the sin they committed was great... but was Yoongi worth your forgiveness...? You knew he was trying his best to change and be the man that you had wanted.

Yes, had as in past tense.

"Do... do you want to go anywhere specific...?" Yoongi asked, shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

"No... we can just follow you..." He nodded and walked ahead of the both of you, but it wasn't until Jungwon ran up to walk next to him and held his father's hand.

You followed behind them, not wanting to ruin their father and son bonding time. Although you hated Yoongi now, he still deserves to be with his son. Soon enough, the three of you walked into a jewelry shop. A saleslady approached the three of you.

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