Chapter Forty Four

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You tossed and turned in bed all night, not being able to fall asleep. There was too much on your mind that left you restless. And before you knew it, it was already five in the morning.

Knowing that the boys woke up around seven, you decided to get up and cook them breakfast, and it was the least you could do for them. Since they always had your backs even though it didn't seem like it.

After doing your morning routine, you stopped by Jungwon's room which was next to yours, to see how he was doing. When you opened the door, you saw that he was still sound asleep, which brought a small smile to your face. You quietly closed the door before making your way into the kitchen.

You opened the fridge and saw it packed with all sorts of groceries; you thought since Jin mainly did most of the cooking, he made sure that the fridge would always be stocked. Looking through the refrigerator as you debated on what to make, you finally decided on what to make. Since it was early, you would make light foods such as; Doenjang Jjigae (soybean paste stew), Bulgogi, egg rolls, and Pa Jun (Korean pancakes).

Once you decided on the menu, you grabbed the rice cooker to make rice. You saw the packs of instant rice, but you thought rice cooker rice would be better. You assumed with their busy schedule, they always ate fast food, which wasn't good for their health.

Once you got the pot in the rice cooker, you started cooking, knowing that soon enough, the boys would begin waking up one by one.

An hour later into cooking, you had finished preparing the vegetables that would be needed for the dishes. But, unfortunately, your peaceful cooking was cut short when you heard a groan and someone walking into the kitchen.

You turned around and almost laughed at the sight in front of you. There stood your brother in his Rj pajamas, his eyes barely opened, his face swollen probably from the dinner last night, and his hair that looked like a bird's nest.

"Good morning oppa~" You teasingly called him, knowing how he had wanted you to call him Oppa. He tried making you call him Oppa, but when he realized that he couldn't, he gave up.

"Good morning." He says in his deep morning voice. He rubs his eyes to get rid of sleep before waking up to your side and glancing at the pots of food you've spent the last hour cooking.

"What are you cooking?" He asked, now fully awake.

"Doenjang Jjigae (soybean paste stew), Bulgogi, egg rolls, and Pa Jun (Korean pancakes)." He hummed as he smelled the pleasant scent coming from the doenjang jjigae.

"I'll go wash up and come help you, okay?" He walked off back to his room, leaving you alone to cook again.

After a few minutes, Jin came back as promised and helped you out in the kitchen, and it was honestly nice. Although you two have been separated since you were born, and you both lost a lot of time to be together, the way you both acted right now would make others think that you guys never got separated in the first place.

"Can you pass me the soybean paste?" He asked as he stirred the pot that would contain the soup. You quickly handed it to him as you started making the Korean pancakes. You poured some batter into the hot pan and waited for a few minutes before flipping it. You let out a frustrated sigh to see that you had flipped it a bit too early, Jin who saw this, laughed.

"You were supposed to wait for a few more minutes, dummy." You rolled your eyes and continued to cook.

"You don't have to tell me. I already know." He scoffed.

"Yah! I'm older than you! You should at least say okay."

"Well, I know how to cook, and I know what went wrong. You don't have to rub it in my face, Oppa." You purposely said that, knowing it would push his buttons. He dropped the spoon that he was using to make the jjigae and turned to look at you with his hands on his hips.

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