Chapter Thirty Four

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Yoongi groaned and rubbed his neck that had started to hurt from the uncomfortable position he had fallen asleep in. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around, immediately furrowing his brows when he saw Jungwon nowhere. He had remembered falling asleep with Jungwon in his bed... so where did he go...?

Yoongi glanced at the clock that sat on the nightstand and saw that it was 10:26 at night. Then, letting out a sigh, he got out of bed to look for Jungwon.

He looked around everywhere in the house but saw Jungwon nowhere. There was only one room he hadn't checked yet... and it was the room you used to stay in... with cautious steps, he walked to the door as his mind flashed back to what Jimin had said to him earlier in the day.

"If you don't, then why are you so scared to walk into that room? What are you afraid of?"

"You never stepped foot into that room unless you wanted to use her. Why can't you go into that room now?"

"Jungwon, I know you're in there. Why don't you come on out?" He spoke as he stood in front of the door, not wanting to go inside.

"I'm not coming out!" Jungwon's voice said from the inside. Yoongi let out a frustrated sigh, trying to control his patience.

"I told you to come out. I want you to come out now!"

"I won't!" Jungwon's cries reached Yoongi's ears.

"If you don't come out, I will come in there and drag you out!" Silence greeted him. He looked at the doorknob. He was about to grab it, but he hesitated to grab it.

"I hate her smell..."

"That's not hate, Yoongi Hyung! That's love!"

"You're afraid of liking her, so you've forced yourself to torture her. But, deep down in your heart, you're afraid. Not only are you afraid of us finding out about that, but you're also even more afraid of Y/n finding out."

He leaned his back against the wall, his chest heaving up and down as he thought of today's earlier events. His heartbeat hard against his rib cage.

It's just a damn room! Why can't I go in there!?

"I'll give you one more chance, Jungwon ah. On the count of three, I want you to get out of that room!"



"I miss my mom! I can smell her in here!"

His mind flashed back to the memories of you. Like the time when he had your back pressed against his chest, your intoxicating smell entering his nostrils, or the time when you had smiled so brightly at him at the beach.

His breathing picked up as his vision blurred from tears. He clutched onto his chest as his backslid on the wall. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he thought about the times he had walked into your small flower shop to get flowers for Minju...

The way you had carefully sewed his knife wound shut...

The way you looked at him with so much love in your eyes...

All of his wrongdoings had been eating him up since you left since he realized that what he did to you was so wrong. Breathing became harder as more tears flowed down his face.

The only person that he had only loved, he had pushed her so far away. That there was probably no chance for her to come back and love him again.

He could say sorry to you for the rest of his life; he knew you would forgive him because that's just how you were always nice and forgiving. But he would never be satisfied, and he had broken you when he was so blinded by revenge.

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