Chapter Forty Two

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It was finally the day you got discharged from the hospital, and you honestly were so happy. The gunshot wound had slowly healed, and the doctors advised that you took it easy or else you would reopen the wound.

In the span of a few days, Yoongi had his men move your things back into their house, he had even set up a room for Jungwon, but you were sure that Jungwon would not be leaving your side any time soon.

Jin and the others have still been trying to find answers, but they have come up short in finding them. Ahnjong had started to warm up to them too... well, aside from Yoongi and Jungkook, that is. Speaking of Ahnjong, she had left for America since she had missed the flight because of the Jungwon situation. You wished that she didn't go, but you understood why.

Yoongi would talk to you, but you would only give him a short answer, not wanting to talk to him. He didn't want to admit it but seeing you give him the cold shoulder hurt him deeply, but he was sure that the pain he felt was nothing compared to the pain he had inflicted on you.

"Eomma!" Jungwon's voice rang throughout the hall as he ran up to you, his small arms wrapping around your legs. You smiled and caressed his head.

"Hi sweetie... did Uncle Jimin take care of you?" You looked up and glanced at Jimin, who was walking up to you as well. Jungwon sweetly nodded.

"Uncle Jiminie is so nice! He bought me a lot of food and toys! And he always plays with me!" Your heart warmed as you listened to your son talk about the great time he had been with Jimin. You were happy to see Jungwon so delighted.

All seven guys walked up to you and Jungwon. If you were honest, you actually missed this, being together with all of them, although at that time, two out of the seven members hated you. They became your family.

"Are you ready to go?" Jin asked while walking up to your side and grabbing your bags.

"I am." They all left for the car except you, Jungwon and Yoongi...

"Eomma, are we going back to our home?" You sighed and crouched down to match his height. He was your son, and he had the right to know about what was going on and who his father is...

"Jungwon ah... we aren't going back to our home..." You looked at him and held his hand. He tilted his head to the side, confused.

"If we're not going home, then where are we going to stay?" You gulped as you tried to muster up your courage to say this.

"We're going to be living with your Appa." You glanced over at Yoongi, who was standing a few feet away from you guys.

"But... Eomma... I thought you said I don't have an Appa...?" You weakly smiled at him. Feeling guilty and ashamed that you had made your son think of this.

"Eomma lied Jungwon... you do have an Appa..." His eyes brightened and shimmered hearing this.

"Really Eomma?! Who is my Appa?" You turned his little body around so that he was looking at Yoongi.

"He is your Appa Jungwon ah..." Jungwon smiled and ran up to Yoongi, hugging his legs. You sighed and stood up. Finally, the truth had been revealed to Jungwon, and you would be moving in with Yoongi. You just hoped that you were making the right choice.

"You're my Appa?" Jungwon's big doe eyes looked at Yoongi. He smiled and nodded before picking Jungwon up into his arms.

"I am your Appa Jungwon." Joy overfilled Jungwon's heart as he wrapped his little arms around Yoongi's neck and hugged him tightly.

"I always knew that I had an Appa even though Eomma always said that I didn't." Yoongi smiled and patted his son's back.

"Jungwon ah... Appa is sorry for being mean to you back then..." He apologized to his son as he thought about all those times where he had yelled and left Jungwon to cry alone.

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