Chapter Thirty Three

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Yoongi sat in the kitchen eating his breakfast when Jungkook walked in and grabbed a drink.

"She left. She didn't leave anything behind, except for Jungwon's medical records." He dropped a piece of paper on the table. Yoongi glanced at it before pushing it away.

"I must say, your son is so pitiful. Got his hand burned, and every day he has to go to the hospital for treatment." After grabbing his drink, Jungkook walked out of the kitchen at the same time Jin walked in. Jin noticed the paper on the table and asked,

"What is that?" He asked while digging through the fridge to look for something to cook.

"Jungwon's medical record." Jin became confused and looked back at Yoongi, who was still eating.

"Why do you have his medical record?"

"Y/n dropped him off last night." His mind flashing back to the scenes of last night. You kissed him, he pushed you away from shock, but once he regained himself, he kissed you again, your lips so addictive it became his drug.

"He doesn't even like me; I don't like him either." Jin scoffed and walked up to stand next to his side.

"Are you insane!? Then why did you snatch him back? After getting him back, you're complaining! Y/n walked away and didn't even take one cent. She raised the child and suffered so much! It's not like you wouldn't know you were the one that kicked her out in the first place." Guilt slowly rose in his chest. The words Jin was saying were true, and it was getting to him.

"It wasn't easy for Y/n when she was still with you. Even if Lee Hayoon wronged you 100 or even 10,00 times, haven't you tortured her enough, Yoongi? Now you have even separated a child from its mother-" Anger coursed through his veins at the mention of your father's name. He knew that you had nothing to do with the death of his sister, but he just couldn't help it.

"She deserved it! What the father owes his child pays it." He dropped his spoon back on his plate. He had lost his appetite from all this talk about you.

"What about Y/n? You forced her out on the night of her birthday. Where did you expect her to go?! She had no money!" Yoongi looked up and glared at the eldest.

"That was not my damn business. I told her she could stay and leave whenever she wanted to! But SHE was the one that decided to leave." Having enough of the hard-headed leader Jin walked out of the kitchen, but before he completely left, he said,

"I hope you don't regret what you're doing, Yoongi. One day she'll leave forever and never come back. I just hope you realize what you truly feel before it's too late." With that, he left Yoongi alone with his thoughts.

"What I truly feel? What do I feel? When I'm not with her, I miss her and think about her so much. But when I see her, I feel content and full, but that doesn't make sense of my actions towards her."

"I just... don't understand what this feeling is..."

Jungwon had woken up and walked into the kitchen. Yoongi handed him a plate of food and made him sit down and eat it. But as he was going through files, he noticed Jungwon blankly staring down at the food.

"Why aren't you eating, buddy?" Jungwon looked at Yoongi with his sad eyes.

"Uncle, I want my mommy. When will my mommy come to pick me up?" Uncle, He called him uncle when he really was his father. Unknowingly that caused Yoongi's heart to ache. His own child didn't know that he was his father.

"You're mother isn't coming back. She left." That simple sentence caused Jungwon's eyes to well up with tears. His cry echoed throughout the house as Yoongi sat there watching his son cry, unsure of what to do. Jimin ran into the kitchen and brought Jungwon in for a comforting hug.

"Shh... it's okay, buddy, don't cry." Jimin glared at Yoongi while he caressed Jungwon's head.

"I thought that you wanted the kid. I even went to talk to Y/n for you." He furrowed, his brows confused. So Jimin had gone to talk to you before?

"I know that you want to make Y/n Noona suffer, but haven't she suffered enough? Why would you take away her child?" Yoongi stood up from his seat, tired of hearing everyone talk to him like this.

"If you're not going to acknowledge Jungwon as your son and take care of him, then I'll take him back to Noona." Jimin picked up Jungwon in his arms about to leave when Yoongi, who had panicked about his son leaving him, stood in his way, blocking Jimin from going,

Jimin pushed past Yoongi and brought him out in the hallway.

"Jungwon ah, you go up and play with your toys first. Uncle Jimin will come to play with you in a bit, okay?"

Jimin walked back into the kitchen and faced the leader.

"Why are you so anxious? I said I wanted to return Jungwon to Noona. Why did you get so anxious? Why did you force Noona to divorce you when you clearly love her?" The leader stared at the youngster in shock. Love? Did he love you? Was that what this was? He loved you and didn't want to let you go? No... this couldn't be love.

"I don't love her." Jimin scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"If you don't, then why are you so scared to walk into that room? What are you afraid of?" Yoongi shoved past him and got a glass of water, and drank it to calm down his nerves.

"She used to lock herself in that room, and you never stepped foot into that room unless you wanted to use her. Why can't you go into that room now? Are you scared?" His hand clutched tightly onto the glass cup.

"I... hate her smell..."

"That's not hate, Yoongi Hyung. That's love! You're afraid of liking her, so you've forced yourself to torture her. Deep down in your heart, you're afraid. Not only are you afraid of us finding out about that, but you're also even more afraid of Y/n finding out. Don't think that I didn't know; I saw the way you looked at her when you first brought her to meet us. I saw the way your eyes shimmered when you looked at her and the way you stood protective of her from Jungkook."

Yoongi sighed, remembering that day. He had been very nervous, more nervous than he should've been. But it had never come across his mind that it was because he had loved you. Maybe along the way of this so-called revenge, he had fallen for you at one point.

"Now you've forced her to the point of no return. I'm telling you, if she died one day, you'd regret it for the rest of your life." Yoongi breathed in and out as his mind comprehend what he was feeling. Had he been in love with you this whole time...?

"You're my Hyung, and I'll always stand by your side. I hope you make the right decision.'' Jimin patted him on the shoulder before walking out, leaving Yoongi alone with the sudden realization that he had fallen in love with you... 


A/n: Hi :) It's me! I'm finally back. I would just like to say that I'm sorry for making you guys wait, life has been stressful if I'm to be honest. I said that I would come back when I was okay, when my mental health gets better but if I'm to be honest my mental health hasn't gotten any better and if I was to come back when I'm okay you wouldn't see me for years :) So that is why I decided to come back. And I'm sorry too when I was writing this story I did not think that there would be this many chapters! Get ready because you'll be getting a few chapters today :))) 

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