Chapter Fifty Eight

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A groan left your lips as you stirred awake, a massive headache making your head pound. You had passed out from going into a state of panic and your lack of oxygen in your body. After you passed out, Jimin carried you in his arms and laid you down on the couch, covering your body with a blanket before walking away.

The house was silent, way more silent than normal, but it was because everyone couldn't find it in them to laugh or smile when the life of their leader was uncertain as of this moment. For all they knew, their leader's life could end at any given moment, and they weren't sure what they would do if that happened.

As the headache became ten times worse, you slowly sat up from the couch, a hand on your head. You looked around the house and saw the light coming from the kitchen and heard hushed voices. Getting up from the couch, you walked into the kitchen, using the wall as support. Once you reached the kitchen, your eyes immediately squinted as you looked at the bright light.

The four males sat around the kitchen island, discussing what would be done next and what would happen if Yoongi didn't make it. They all knew that if Yoongi were to pass away, Taehyung would be the next in command since he was the right-hand man of Yoongi.

Taehyung had spent most of his youth and adult life by Yoongi's side as his right-hand man. He took care of things when Yoongi couldn't, and he was ready to step in if anything ever happened and Yoongi couldn't make it. But he wasn't sure if he would take over the leader position if Yoongi were really gone.

As much as they didn't want to talk about it, they all had to. Especially when Yoongi's life was a gamble, would you win the game or would you lose? Would Yoongi live... or would he pass away as he had wished?

They all noticed your presence and immediately stopped talking. Hoseok got up from his chair and walked over to you, guiding you to sit in one of the chairs. Taehyung got up from his chair as well and grabbed a water bottle for you. You thanked both of them and drank the water.

You felt like complete shit. Your mind was hurting, but your heart hurt more you couldn't help but feel empty. You couldn't sit still knowing that Yoongi was at the hospital in god knows what kind of condition. It was late, around 4 in the morning, and you knew that you wouldn't be able to sleep, not with Yoongi on your mind, so you asked.

"Can... can one of you take me to him...?" You looked at the four of them, begging with your eyes.

"Y/n, I think you should rest. You just woke up." Namjoon tried telling you, but you completely disregarded it. You didn't care if you were in no condition to go out, you didn't care about the pounding headache you had, you didn't care about how weak you felt at that moment. All you cared about was getting to him.

Hoseok sighed and shook his head. He grabbed the car keys and walked up to you.

"Let's go. I'll drop you off there." You showed a small smile and went to grab your jacket from the living room. The three boys all looked at the oldest of the four, confused.

"Why are you taking her to him? She's not in the right mindset to be seeing him." Hoseok looked at Namjoon and shook his head.

"We all know that whether we are the ones to take her or not, she will go to him one way or another." Once you came back after grabbing your jacket, you and Hoseok left. After the two of you left, the three men that were left behind couldn't help but have small smiles on their faces.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now