Chapter Fifty Nine

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You paced back and forth in the room with a beating heart. You were so damn nervous and you felt like you were about to pass out at any moment. It had been three months since Yoongi was discharged from the hospital, the gunshot wound was now fully healed and within the span of three months, the both of you had been planning for your wedding.

You just wanted a small simple wedding since you had already gotten married once to Yoongi. You didn't think that it was necessary to go all out but Yoongi on the other hand demanded the wedding to be glorious and a day you will never forget.

He said that the first time the both of you got married, his body was there but his mind wasn't and that this time that the both of you got married he will be there physically, his mind will be there, his heart and soul will be there for you and you only.

Now you were currently in the waiting room in your wedding dress, pacing back and forth in the room as you grew nervous and anxious as the time to walk down the aisle came closer and closer.

A knock was heard on the door before it opened revealing your brother, your dad, and Ahnjong.

"Besite!!" She ran into the room and hugged you tightly. You laughed and hugged her back. When Ahnjong had gotten news of you getting married to Yoongi again at first she was skeptical, but once you told her everything she was happy for you regardless and booked a plane to come back to Korea.

Jin and your dad walked into the room and both of their eyes started tearing up.

"Omo... my beautiful daughter..." You and Ahnjong pulled away from the hug before your dad engulfed you in his embrace. You smiled and hugged your dad back tightly.

"If your mother was here she would be so proud of you." At the mention of your mother, your eyes began to water but you had to quickly blink them away so that you wouldn't ruin your makeup. Your dad pulled away from the hug before Jin came and engulfed you in his arms as well.

"You're so pretty my dear sister, but I'm prettier!" The four of you laughed. Jin pulled away from the hug and looked at you lovingly.

"I'm so proud and happy for you Y/n." You smiled and nodded.

"I'm so nervous, what if I mess up? Or what if I trip?!" Ahnjong who was standing next to you held your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You'll be fine Y/n! I know you will!"

"How is Yoongi?" Jin looked away lost in thought before laughing.

"Well, if I'm to be honest. He's freaking out right now."

~In Yoongi's room~

The room became a chaotic mess as Yoongi ran around trying to find his tie. The other five males who were present in the room couldn't help but laugh as they watched their hyung run around the room having a quote on quote "Life crisis"

Hoseok stood up from his seat on the couch and walked over to Yoongi, placing both hands on his shoulders holding him in place.

"Hyung." He called for Yoongi, but Yoongi was busy looking around the room trying to look for his lost tie.

"Hyung!" Yoongi was completely surprised by Hoseok yelling his name.

"What is it?" He finally looked at Hoseok in the eyes.

"Your tie is right here." Hoseok then pointed at the tie that was already neatly tied around Yoongi's neck. The four males who were sitting on the couch couldn't help but burst out laughing; which caused the eldest in the room to glare at them.

"I'm so nervous, you guys don't even understand. What if I mess up? What if I stutter?" Yoongi began to panic again. Jimin stood up from the couch and walked over to his two hyung's.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now