Chapter Twenty Three

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The sun was slowly setting as everyone laid on the towels they had laid out drying off. It had been an extremely fun day, and it was probably the most fun you have ever had in the 21 years of your life.

You had talked to Jungook a little but saw he was still reluctant to speak to you. Yoongi, on the other hand, didn't even speak to you the whole day. You stared at the sunset, the wind blowing making your hair flow with the breeze.

A sudden tap on your shoulder caused you to turn your head and look at the person.

"Yoongi..?" He stood next to you, two bags in his hand, which one you immediately recognized as yours.

"Let's go change. I made a dinner reservation for us." He handed you your bag of clothes, to which you grabbed confused.

"What about the other guys?" You asked, looking around at them still laying down scattered around the beach floor.

"They'll be fine, and besides, this is only for you and me." He winked, causing your heart to thump hard against your ribcage. So he had made dinner reservations for only you and him. Was this why he didn't talk to you much throughout the day...? Because he had already planned something for only the two of you?

He held his hand out for you, to which you accepted, and he pulled you up. Then, the both of you walked into changing booths.

You got out of your semi-dried clothes and changed into a white dress shirt that was a bit too big for your body and a pair of blue jeans that were a size bigger than your actual size. Next, you looked into the mirror and decided to put your hair up into a messy bun. Then, you tucked the dress shirt into your pants, ensuring that the front puffed out a bit. Once you were done, you grabbed your bag and got out of the booth.

To your surprise, Yoongi was standing there, already dressed in different clothes. He wore; a baggy white shirt, black ripped jeans, and a green army patched jacket. Casual, but he looked nice.

"You look nice." He complimented, eyeing your body up and down. You shyly thanked him.

"Let's get going, shall we?" You nodded. He held his hand out for you, which took you by surprise. When he saw that you weren't going to hold his hand, he intertwined his hands in yours before pulling you along with him.

You looked down at your hands that were interlaced together. For once, it seemed like you both were a normal couple that genuinely loved each other.

The both of you walked along the beach using the lights from the neighboring stores to guide your way to the restaurant. It surprised you seeing how empty it had been the entire day.

"If you are wondering why it's so empty, it's because I bought out the beach for the whole day." You looked at him, shocked. So he did that for you...?

"Thank you... you didn't have to do that..." He smiled and squeezed your hand.

"I know, but I wanted to do it." Finally, the two of you reached the restaurant, and you stared in awe as you saw rows of tables perfectly lined up, chandeliers hanging above your heads and the red theme of the restaurant.

"Reservations under the name Min." He said to the waiter that stood in front of the door.

"Ahh, yes! Right, this way, sir." We followed the waiter inside the restaurant, and he led us to a table that was directly in the middle. Yoongi pulled a seat chair out for me to sit in before sitting in the seat across from me.

The waiter handed us menus, saying, "When you are ready, you can call for me or any of my colleagues." before walking away, leaving you and Yoongi alone. You opened the menu and looked down, a gasp leaving your lips as you saw how expensive the dishes were.

"What is it?" He looked up from his menu. You shook your head.

"Why is everything so expensive here?" You asked, completely bewildered. He laughed.

"It's okay Y/n ah, it's your special day money doesn't matter to me." But it did to you, sure you grew up in a rich household, but you never saw that money as yours, and your only cash income was from the flower shop which Yoongi had sold.

"Okay..." You quietly mumbled before looking down at the menu again.

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The food you both ordered had arrived, and you both started to eat quietly. If you were to admit you liked this, the both of you seemed like a normal couple, and it seemed like he loved you, but it was what it seemed like. You knew he didn't love you. He never did, and he never would.

But yet here you were, sitting while your heart was beating hard against your chest as you stared at the man you had foolishly fallen in love with. Then, finally, he looked up at you and cleared his throat.

"I just realized... I never said happy birthday to you this morning. Happy Birthday Y/n ah." You smiled. You were about to thank him when he abruptly cut you off. His words bring shock to you.

"The divorce papers are on my desk in my office. When we get back you can sign them and leave whenever you want." 


A/n: Well damn. If that wasn't something I was expecting then I don't know what. :000

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