Chapter Fifty Four

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🌸Chapter Music🌸

Play when I tell you to :)) 


It had been two days since that day in the office with Namjoon. You had recovered from the shock, but you were still so speechless.

Yoongi had never turned in the papers, the both of you were still technically married, and he never once cared to tell you. The past two days had been extremely hard; you couldn't eat because you had no appetite to eat, you couldn't sleep because your mind was going crazy with all this new information.

"What are you doing out here, honey?" Your father walked out to the patio where you were and sat next to you on the couch.

"I just wanted some fresh air." You quickly replied. He looked at you, not completely believing you.

"Stop lying and tell your old man the truth." You wrung your hands together anxiously.

"It's... it's just Yoongi..." Your dad raised an eyebrow.

"What about him? Do you like him?" You shook your head, but then nodded but then shook your head again.

"I'm not sure, dad..."

"I'm sure that's not the only thing that is going on in that mind of yours." He brought his hand up and tapped his finger on your forehead.

"Well... the other day when I went to pick up Jungwon... I found out about Yoongi and me. We are still technically married." You looked up at your father to see his reaction, and of course, his lips were slightly parted, and his eyes were wide as plates.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"He made me sign divorce papers five years ago... but turns out he never turned them in." Your father shook his head in disbelief.

"Good god. You children." He rubbed his temples, clearly stressed out.

"I'll talk to him and tell him to proceed with the divorce." A part of you wanted to shout out no, but the other half told you that it was best to let it happen.

"That is what you want, right?" You nodded your head. Silence was heard as you both looked up at the blue sky filled with puffy white clouds.

"Honey..." You tore your gaze away from the sky and looked at your father, who looked uncertain of what he was about to say.

"In a few days, I'll be going to the states, and I'll be living there for a while... and I was wondering if you wanted to come along?"

"You could live there after I leave. Maybe start a new life away from all of this, start a new life and leave your past behind? Maybe even find a new man to love you?" You thought about it for a while. To you, it seemed like you were running away, but maybe you should be selfish for once in your life. Perhaps you should be a coward for once in your life and run away from all of your problems.

"Sure, dad. I'd like that."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

It was Friday which meant it was Yoongi's turn to be with Jungwon. It also meant that tomorrow, your dad was flying to the states for business. You had decided that you would go live in the states and start a new life. It was selfish when you thought about it, you were practically running away and leaving your life behind, but you deserved a fresh start after all you've gone through. So tonight, you had planned on telling the boys about you going away to live in the states.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now