Chapter Fifty Six

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The whole morning you had spent your time running around the house, making sure that you had packed all of your things for you weren't going to return to Korea once you got onto the plane. Even after you had finished packing, you cleaned the house, ultimately getting another scolding from the maids. You didn't care, though.

It didn't matter what you did, as long as it got him off of your mind. The moment you got into the car last night and drove off, you broke down in tears. You didn't understand why it hurt so much. You didn't expect it to hurt so much.

You were leaving because you wanted to be happy, but there you were in your car, crying your eyes out. You probably bet that your tears would be able to fill an ocean. As you cried in your car, you thought back to when you had broken down in your brother's arms, and he told you,

"Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do."

You had decided on what to do, but why were you still here crying? Why did love have to hurt so damn much? You saw the couples around you, their love was pretty and beautiful, but why was your love so ugly and dark?

It always felt like when things were going in the right direction, fate throws it all back in your face and laughs at your struggles. People can cry much easier than they can change. You said you would move on, forget about him, find your happiness, but it was like fate didn't want that to happen, so it kept tying you back to him and watching you suffer.

Before you knew it, it was time to head to the airport. You grabbed your suitcase and your backpack before making your way downstairs, and sure enough, your dad was there with his suitcase as well.

"Are you ready to go, sweetie?" You faked a smile and nodded. A part of you didn't want to leave, but you knew that leaving was the best.

"Let's get going then." The both of you took your bags and suitcases and loaded them into the trunk of the car before getting into the car and driving off to the airport.

The whole drive to the airport, you looked outside the window as you grew anxious and started second-guessing yourself. Why weren't you happy with leaving? Finally, you would be leaving that hellish life you once lived.

Finally, you would be free from Yoongi, and he had finally let you go. But why weren't you satisfied? Why weren't you happy with the results? Why did a part of you want to stay?

Soon enough, you arrived at the airport. You and your dad took your luggage out of the trunk and walked into the airport, checking into the VIP section. You would have to get used to this. You had forgotten that to the underground, your father was a mafia boss, while to the rest of society, he was a CEO.

"Are you excited to go to America?" Your dad asked you as both of you sat in the waiting area. Were you excited? You weren't when you were supposed to be.

"Yeah, I am." You lied.

Soon enough, it was time to get onto the plane, and it would be a lie to say you weren't surprised when you found out about taking your dad's private jet. You walked through the terminal and were about to board the plane when you stopped walking.

You couldn't do this. You couldn't run away. You weren't a coward. You couldn't leave everyone behind. You couldn't leave the boys who had become your family. You couldn't leave your son behind... you couldn't leave the one you love behind...

Your father, noticing you not by his side, turned around and saw you glued to the spot. He sighed and walked back to you.

"Honey, is everything alright?" He placed his hand on your shoulder. You snapped out of your thoughts and were about to reply, but you couldn't. Instead, your mouth opened and closed as you were unsure of how to tell your father.

Caught In The Middle Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now