Chapter Twelve

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You sat by the window as you watched the rain flow down on the window. It was late, but you had woken up to the sound of rain hitting the window. You listened as the rain hit the window, the sound calming you down as you looked at your bandaged hand.

After Jin had bandaged your hand, he was about to talk to Yoongi, but you had stopped him. You didn't need another fight to break out, especially if the reason why is because of you. You were grateful that Jin cared about you and tried to look out for you, but there was no point in going against Yoongi.

Jungkook had continued to make your life more miserable than it already was. He was purposely shoving you into the wall whenever you passed by him in the hallway or intentionally making a lot of rumors since his room was next to yours.

Suddenly becoming thirsty, you got up and walked out of your bedroom, making your way to the kitchen.

Getting a cup of water, you chugged it down and set the cup into the sink. It was going to be a long night since you knew there was no way you would be falling back asleep anytime soon.

Making your way back to your room, you suddenly stopped when you heard whimpering coming up from upstairs. You ignored it and were about to walk back to your room when you heard it again, maybe someone was in distress... or perhaps someone was having a nightmare...?

You quickly made your way upstairs and followed the whimpering. Suddenly you found yourself in front of Yoongi's door... you could hear him whimpering from the other side, but you stood there hesitating, should you go in... or leave him...?

Taking a deep breath in, you opened the door and walked in. You looked at his bed and saw him lying there, tossing and turning in bed with sweat on his forehead.

He was having a nightmare.

You hurriedly walked over to the bed and sat next to him, bringing his head to rest on your lap. Your hands running through his sweaty hair as you tried to calm him down.

He wasn't calming down, so you did what your mother always did whenever you had a nightmare.

You sanged.

You sang as you listened to the pitter-patter coming from the window. Soon enough, his breathing calmed down, and he relaxed, falling back asleep.

You gently picked up his head, about to lay him back into his pillow, when his arm suddenly wrapped around your waist, burying his head closer to you. You froze, not sure of what to do. If you moved, he would wake up for sure, so you could do nothing but let him sleep in your lap.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You groaned and slowly woke up as you felt someone lightly slapping your cheeks. You were about to turn around away from whoever was trying to wake you when you remembered what happened.

You woke up, got a cup of water, and were about to walk back to your room when you heard whimpering. So you walked into Yoongi's room and sang him to sleep since he was having a nightmare. And you fell asleep in his mentally scolded yourself for falling asleep because you were sure once you opened your eyes, you would see the devil.

"I know you're awake..." A shiver ran down your back as you felt his hot breath against your ear. Having no other choice, you opened your eyes and saw Yoongi hovering above you with a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing in my room...? Did you miss me...?" You scoffed and tried to push him back, but he didn't budge at all.

"Why would I miss a monster like you?" He laughed and leaned down, his lips hovering above yours.

"You can say whatever you want... but I know deep down you have me in your heart." Your heartbeat increased, and you were afraid that he would hear that. Even if you tried to put on a facade to the boys' you knew it was true, though you tried to be strong and show them that none of this bothered you deep down, you were hurting, and deep down... you still loved him...

He closed the distance between you two and attached his lips with yours. You didn't bother to kiss him back... but you were taken aback as you realized how soft the kiss was... it was slow and gentle, unlike the other kisses that he had given you, which were all lustful and rough.

Your mind started ticking. Why was he suddenly being gentle and nice to you? Was he purposely doing this so that you would break down your walls, and he would break you completely? You knew that there was never an ounce of love in his heart with everything that had happened.

Before you two got married and were 'dating,' he was nice to you and did everything to sweep you off your feet, but you knew while you fell for him, in his heart, he never loved you. He only lured you into his trap.

But little did you know...

...Love did blossom in his seemingly cold heart... 


A/n: Oh? Love blossomed in his heart...? Well that should make things more interesting from now on... :)))

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