Chapter Forty

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The room fell silent as the boys stared at Jin in shock, still trying to process this new information.

"Jin, I don't know what you're talking about... her surname is Lee, not Kim, and I'm sure she doesn't even know who this Donghyun is," Ahnjong stated.

"Jin, how do you know that Donghyun is Y/n's father?" Taehyung asked the eldest member.



Jin and Yoongi ran into the hospital, with you in Yoongi's arms. Jin ran to find his friend Kangmi who was the head doctor of this hospital. They placed you on a bed and rolled you into the ER room.

Nurses ran around the room as they got the needed equipment for the surgery. Jin glanced at you as he got ready for surgery. He wasn't sure if he could do this, with the fact that he was still shaken up, but he knew he had to because although he trusted Kangmi, Jin trusted himself more.

He had been a doctor longer than anyone in this room, and he sure as was not going to have your life be in other doctors and nurse's hands. So once Jin was ready, he walked up to you and asked a nurse for a pair of scissors.

He grabbed the scissors and cut your shirt open, revealing the gunshot wound to the stomach. Jin stared at your blood that was flowing out and thought back to what you had told him five years ago...

"They're my parents... but sometimes they don't feel like they are..." Jin looked up at Kangmi and made a request that confused everyone.

"Please take a blood sample and run a DNA test." Kangmi grabbed an empty vile and asked,


"Just do it!" Jin yelled as he started surgery, moving fast to take the bullet out as you had lost a pint of blood already. Kangmi sighed and walked over to the table and got a blood sample before giving it to a nurse to give to the lab.

Jin just hoped that his hunch about this was right...

-End of Flashback-

"And what did the results say?" Namjoon asked. Jin handed him a file before continuing.


Everyone was talking among themselves when Jin got a text from Kangmi notifying him that your DNA test results had come in. So, without further ado, Jin rushed out of the room and found Kangmi in his office.

"So? What are the results?" Kangmi grabbed the file he had just received from the lab and handed it to Jin. Jin grabbed it and opened the file, looking through the papers.

"We compared her DNA to the DNA you had asked us to and..." Jin almost dropped the files from shock when he read the results.

"They're a match... 98.9%..."

-End of Flashback-

"So... her father really is Donghyun..." Jimin said, still in shock.

"But... how...? We've only heard about him having one child... not a second one... We've been in business with them for decades, and I've never seen nor heard him mention anything about having a second child..." Yoongi thought back to the early days when his father was still alive. He had met Donghyun on a few occasions as he was younger since his father would take him to these 'business' meetings. He only saw Donghyun's son.

Everyone stood in the room confused as ever, still trying to comprehend this and try to figure out how the hell you were the daughter of the biggest mafia boss in Korea. It took a few minutes when the second hand in command suddenly realized something.

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